It is said that for Art you go to Rhen, for money to Nidarie, for ships to Telan, and for the best fish in the world to Tenva.

Though the saying may be somewhat exaggerated, for being such a small city Tenva is well known for its fish and other seafood.  Nearly every member of the community is involved in the fishing trade in one way or another, and to find the Tenva mark on any fish elsewhere in Meinah raises the value on average by 25%.

Most of the fishermen in the town are private tradesmen with contracts per-pound of usable fish.  Authough most have  smaller boats and the available piers for mooring are very small compared to other cities, the fishermen here have developed techniques to bring large and high quality catches.  There are two primary fish markets that put out contracts, and several smaller shops.  Several have various methods of drying and preserving the meat for shipping to some of the neighboring communities, barreling in vinegar or oil to ship across the country or to other towns, or in more recent times sending high priced meats long distances to wealthy customers via dragons payed for the transport.

The large houses at the very ends of some of the town’s outer roads are the estates of several owners of fish markets.