The following races are available to be used for story characters. Click on a species name to read more.

Hominid (Bipedal Races)

Dramen (Half Dragon / Reptilian Biped)

Type: Terrestrial, some may be aquatic or semi-aquatic.

Size: (Adult) Dramen have a human like build, and average about 4-6 inches taller than a human.

Habitat:Dramen are able to adapt to nearly any climate, and often live in trees, thickets, caves, or remote huts.  Some however are integrated into the high society of humans and elves.

Lifespan: Approximately 1,600 years

Intelligence: They are on average slightly more intelligent than a human.

Magic: Most do not care to use magic, but those who do learn can grow as capable as elves or dragons.

Special traits: Dramen have the physical strengths of dragons with the mobility and creativity of elves and humans.

About: Stories, though never validated, tell that the Dramen were a result of tests by dragon mages, under the guidance of Arcanys, who were attempting to turn elves into dragons as a possible last-ditch solution to a horrible war between the two races.  If these stories are true, the dramen received the stealth and physical characteristics of dragons but retained some vestiges of their elven heritage.

Description: Dramen from a distance look almost like humans, however they have longer arms ending in clawed hands, thick semi-talon-like feet, and draconic tails. Most have a dark tan to greenish or reddish coloration, often with markings and patterns that range from reptilian patterns to a tribal warpaint. Unlike most dragons, they have a thick, leathery skin instead of scales, and hair that often has a hue similar to their skin color and/or patterns. Many, especially males, have horns which begin above each temple and curve back along the head, only separating from their skull at the back near the top of the spine. Dramen stand upright or slightly crouched, usually with slightly bent legs to help balance their tail.

They are very fast and stealthy when need be, and make excellent assassins and thieves. Humans and elves find them rather odd to be around.

Socially: Like dragons, Dramen can be both social and anti-social depending on upbringing. Although seen as ‘mutated elves’ by some, they are generally accepted by elven groups, and dragons more than not will also accept them into groups, athough they will not always accept them as an official member of a clan no matter how long they remain with the dragons, instead being cared for out of sympathy. Because of this, many Dramen often form their own social groups or live alone.

Reproduction: Dramen, like elves and humans, give birth and do not lay eggs. This results in one, occasionally two dramen children at a time being born to parents.  Because of various complications only half of dramen children survive childbirth, and death of dramen mothers at childbirth are the highest of any race in Nigeri.

Dramen are omnivores, capable of all-vegetable diets or all meat diets, although they tend to go for a balance much like the other bipedal races.  They would enjoy a steak and salad supper as much as any human would, cooked or raw!


type: Land Based

Size: Dwarves average about 6-10 inches shorter than humans, but sometimes tall enough to still pass as a human.

Appearance: Dwarves look like muscular humans.  They have the same basic body type, however they are much stockier with thicker bones and naturally heavier muscle, though not enough to make them appear ’rounded’.  Dwarven men often keep long beards and hair and eat a lot more than the average human.  Dwarven women share the bulk and muscles of the men and often can be found working alongside men if they have no children to care for.

Dwarves are one of the races rumored to have been developed through the dragon-elven war, in which dragon mages attempted to force unwilling elves to become dragons through rune combinations.  The dwarves are essentially elven descendants with dragon-like strength and adrenaline.

Habitat: Many dwarves live alongside humans, some even claim themselves to be another lineage of humans instead of a different race like the elves are.  Those dwarves proud of their heritage live the lives of heavy laborers out of tradition, and work in mines, logging camps, and as blacksmiths.

Lifespan: Dwarves live an average of 700 years

Intelligence: They are more intelligent and inventive than humans, especially when it comes to mechanical or laborious matters.

Notable abilities: Innately skilled in brute crafts: Mining, metalsmithing, constructuon, farming, forestry, etc.

Magic: Dwarves can prove themselves to be quick healers, and with their own set of metalurgy and stonecraft runes, but are otherwise limited to the same amount of magic as most humans can manage. They often need potions and spells to use most magic.


type: Land only

Size: Human sized, averaging only a couple inches taller than humans in general.

Appearance: Members of elfkind look a lot like the humans they often associate with, the primary differences being slightly pointed ears and generally pale or dark-grayed shade of skin.  (Not the shiny elves like in some movies)

Habitat:  Most elves can be found either living in the forests or rocky mountainous areas.  They have communities in forests, sometimes large, although some have grown accustomed the the primarily human cities.

Lifespan: Approximately 2400-2600 years

Intelligence: High. In fact it is difficult to determine whether elves or dragons average more intelligence. Elves tend to be a little more logic-driven and level headed than dragons which leave the impression of higher wisdom.

Notable abilities: very agile and difficult to tire

Magic: Like dragons, elves are very capable of strong magic.  Unlike humans, elves are very in touch with a flow of magical energy that allows them to perform most minor and intermediate spells and actions without needing charms, potions, or other sources of magical energy.  Beyond their natural abilities, elves can make use of dragon runes.

About: The origin of the elves has always been a mystery. They first appeared in Nigeri some time after the great Dragon-Gryphon war. A small fleet of battered ships arrived from the north and landed along the volcanic peninsula of Aelndrag. It was here that they first encountered dragons, and at first there was peace. Some elves, remembering an ancient legend, settled at the mountain and began worshipping the winged reptiles as the reincarnations of their anscestors. Most elves however forewent this superstition and traveled onward, and settled in the forests and lower mountain regions.

As their communities grew into tribes, they returned to the trades of their ancestors, penning song and poetry, guiding the energies of the soil and seeds into crops and orchards for food and fine wines, and working artistry from metals. Although some mining took place among the tribes, it was discovered that dragons had effectively mined much of the easily accessed gems and precious metals and hoarded them in the construction of elaborate caves and great cities. After failed trades of crops, skins, and other common goods, several tribes began training to effectively slay dragons to gain access to their hoards. This activity grew in volume as various uses for dragon horns and scales were discovered, and those well studied in the magic arts learned of the added magical power of dragon blood.

Gathered under their Rathi, the dragons declared war on the elves, and the war lasted many decades, resulting in great loss. It is at this time the dragons (claim to have) turned some elves into the first humans, dwarves, and dramen, ( though only the dragons and some elves hold this belief )  By the time the dragons and elves signed an armistice the human population had grown to supersede them. With their great losses during the war including the destruction of their greatest cities, the elves, like the dragons, fled to the woods again, this time building more natural communities among the rocks and trees.

The elves remained such until the war of Synacra, where they joined with the Rathi Ahgjan in the ensuing confrontation to free Nigeri. This war also lasted many years and resulted in heavy losses to both races. Today, elves are a strong part of the Meinan Council, the group of two dozen representatives from several races which lead the nation.  Although often keeping themselves seperate, elves do live and work among humans today.

Diet: Elves are omnivores, however they generally prefer a mostly vegetarian diet.  Believing strongly in the gift of life, beyond vegetables and fruits they will only eat eggs that are not fertilized, and any hunting or fishing that is done they give high respect to the animal being killed and make sure to make use of all of the animal.  If provided with a meat based meal they will not turn it down, but they will prefer it cooked.


type: Land Based

Size: …Human sized.  Approximately 5.5-6 feet tall.

Appearance: Look at any nearby street for comparison… Nigeri has never had racial slavery, and there are many cultures throughout the many regions in the large continent-nation.  Immigrants come from other lands adding to the diversity.

Habitat: Usually found in or near cities or villages.

Lifespan: 60-90 Years

Intelligence: Reasonably intelligent. Not as advanced but just as intelligent as earth humans.

Notable abilities: Very inventive, vain, and stubborn. Horrible at keeping accurate long-term records.  More creative than any other race.

Magic: Very weak magic skills, although with dedication and effort some have learned how to use magic.

About: Medieval society.  Several story structures in cities, advancing technologies and farming practices. Common festival activities include parades, fencing and jousting.  Most dislike dragons, and in many cases, dramen, but they get along well with dwarves and elves despite having in the past persecuted those races.

Society:  Primary member of the Meinan Council, made up of two dozen representatives from various cities and races, which governs the land.

Onrra (Wolf & Hyena folk)

type: Land Based

Size: Human height, but heavier built. Approximately 5’8″ (170cm)

Appearance: The race is divided into two breeds. Wolf-like people who live in the southern forests of their continent, and more hyena-like people who live in the northern jungles.The Onrra are bipeds, able to walk upright, but their digitgrade legs allow them to drop to all fours for running and stealth.AHands are similar to a human’s, but their slightly more enlongated fingers end in claws and their thumbs emerge proportionately closer to the center of their wrist than the side of their hand like humans’ do.They have a canine head and tail, with strong jaws and sharp teeth, and walk with a slight hunch that makes them appear to stalking someone, making humans and other races uncomfortable around them.Females have slightly longer fur and hair than their male counterparts,  but in general their coat is short die to their native climate, prompting them to usually wear outer coverings. Wolves often wear well taylored leather and fur clothes, while hyenas’ clothing tend to be less skillfully crafted, further evidencing the disparity in the societies.Habitat: the currently unnamed forest continent to the southeast.Lifespan: 60-90 YearsIntelligence: Reasonably intelligent. Not as advanced but capable of human intellegence, some above average.Notable abilities: skilled hunters and leathersmiths. Very loyal to those they serve.Magic: Some members of the race have an affinity for basic general magics, though none have any abilities refined or learned through study of organized magic.About:Society: Until recently, isolated from all other cultures. More details coming soon.  

Draconic (Full Dragons)

Akairi (2 headed sea dragon)

type: semi-terrestrial, flying, aquatic

Size: Medium

Habitat: Primarily the oceans, undersea caves and remote island chains.

Lifespan: 2000 – 4000 years

Dimorphism: Females (including singular female heads) have slightly less armour on their heads than males, and have larger “ear” fins. Their teeth are more serrated however.

Intelligence: High

Appearance: The Akairi dragons have two heads rather the singular one of most dragons. Predominantly both heads are the same gender, although twin gender heads do occur. Instead of being shunned for this abnormality, those who are born with twin genders are set into leadership positions, or advisory roles. The males upper heads are almost completely covered in armour save for nostrils, mouth, eyes and to an extent the fins on the sides of the heads where ears would be. Depending on the thickness of the armour itself, along with the number of spikes, determines the age of the dragon, with the very young and newborn have very little save a thin lining and no spikes, to the Ancients with rows of spikes and armour as thick as their own necks.

Their wings are more attuned to powering them through the stormiest seas and undersea currents than the air, although they can glide if need be, but they are not the strongest of fliers, only able to remain airborne for at most three hours before having to return to either the ground or the sea.

Their claws are webbed as well, another adjustment to undersea life. They possess four talons, three in the front and one in the rear, each one sharp enough to carve into the underwater bedrock of their home terrain.

Their tails possess a sharp barb on the end, not too dissimilar from a manta-rays, and holds the same purpose and speed. Along the back of an Akairi is a large dorsal fin, with a smaller one on their bellies. These can be folded and unfolded either on command or unconscious thought.

They possess a range of scale colourations, ranging from deep blue to turquoise to sea-green to everything in between. They have four legs, a tail, two wings, and their body shape is quite serpentine with narrow heads as well.

They also sport a set of gills to allow them to breathe underwater, which close up when they are on the surface.

Magic: This is where things get interesting. The Male heads of the Akairi use Ice based magic, whilst the Female heads use Water based magic. Normally not much use under the sea itself, unless creating a sudden current or pressure against a foe, but of much more use on the surface.

The only warning an enemy will get when an Akairi is about to use their breath, is their eyes flash and the gem in the centre of their chest glows.

Notable qualities: Both genders have access to a subsonic roar which is primarily used to disorient their prey or enemies. If focused it can be used to the same effect as a depth charge, although most won’t be able to do this till they’re at least 3000 years old as it takes some practice before you can perform this without hurting yourself in the process. This is their only non-magical breath attack, unless one counts the over-powering smell of fish.

About: The Akairi are isolationists by necessity due to the delicate nature of their own reproduction cycle, and their genetic mutation in having twin heads. In the ancient past this was seen as an abomination and were to be hunted down by both human and dragon alike. Hence why they fled to the seas, and adapted and evolved to survive down in its safe and welcoming depths. They developed a slow trust with the mermen who they shared their undersea domain with.

Given their twin heads, their own names reflect this. For instance, the current leader of the Akairi is called Shimm’eron. Shimm is the name used when addressing his male head, whilst Eron is when addressing her female head. When addressing both, it is Shimm’eron, and that is generally how the Akairi address themselves, using their combined name.

The Akairi have kept themselves for the majority out of the affairs on the mainland and are therefore unaware of any recent (by dragon standards) events. They are a very proud and stubborn species, and will refuse to allow any humans, elves, dwarves etc to ride on them. To allow such would be seen as submission to the other races, to make themselves no better than the horses and other beasts of burden those races make use of.

Reproduction: Akairi only reproduce once every five hundred years. For those that are double gender headed, this proves… interesting as they must decide which side of them is dominant for the mating season, their bodies then producing the correct organs for the event. They have both sets of organs normally, but they lie dormant until the mating season and are generally never utilised otherwise. Their mating ritual is one that requires both partners to dive down as deep as they can, circling one another along the way, until they are both joined with one another, at which point they rapidly head for the surface, still clinging to one another and spinning, and only breaking free once they’ve cleared the surface and have gained five hundred feet of air.

The females then make their way for the surface islands, and choose a suitable nest to which to lay the one egg they will lay. During this time, they are vulnerable as they cannot perform their magic once they’ve mated until the egg has been laid. This can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a day. The area is ringed by the males that have successfully mated, acting as guards and sentries from any and all threats. Once the eggs have been laid, the mothers take over as sentries and guards, the males serving the role of hunters and food providers. The eggs will take anywhere from three to six months to hatch, at which point the parents will stay with the hatchling for the first decade of their life, before letting them live and survive on their own.

Glaschek (traditional “western” dragon)

Type: Terrestrial, Flying. Occasionally semi-aquatic

Size: (Adult)
Length nostrils to tail tip – 40-50 ft (10.5-13.5m)
Height ground to upright head –  10-15ft (3-4.5m)
Wingspan tip to tip – 60-80ft (31 – 38m)

Habitat: Primarily upper mountains and forested areas.

Lifespan: Approximately 3,500-4,000 years

Intelligence: High, possibly the most intelligent race in Meinah, but impulsive.

Magic: Varies by habitat and adaption. Most dragons are adept at using magic of various types moreso than humans, some more rare dragons are very powerful in the ways of magic.  Very rare genetic trait (Black blood) provides some dragons with extremely strong abilities.  (note: Black blood characters must be admin-approved)

Special Abilities: Some dragons also breathe fire or ice, though it is not common.  Both are formed by liquid expelled from the sides of the jaws with heavy breath, which combine and either ignite or freeze.

About: Physically: Traditional dragon, four (4) legs (two forelegs, two hind legs) and two (2) wings. Scaled or leathery body with horns and spites. Various physical traits possible including:

  • Varying horn height
  • Spines of varyous shapes or spinal fin down part or all of body
  • Head shape
  • Colouration and patterns (Just about anything within reason)
  • Length and tip of tail (Plain, spaded, bladed)

Socially: Both social and anti-social depending on upbringing. Historically dragons of all species have held a government under a hereditary royal family headed by a Rathi (dragon king). Through corruption and various times of turmoil the following of the traditional royal bloodline has thinned and many dragons disregard or question the current Rathi’s right to control the direction of dragonkind. Often extended family groups or several family groups will live together, though dragons live just as well on their own or with only their mate and young offspring. At one time dragons constructed cities not unlike those of humans, but those have been lost to history.

Reproduction: Glaschek, like most dragons, mate for life, and it is customary for dragons to want a large family. Most however have difficulty having young, and may go much of their lives before succeeding at it, though not all do. The average egg ‘clutch’ is 2 eggs, though up to 4 have been known to be had on rare occasion. For a dragon to have 5 or more offspring in their lifetime is seen as a high honor and blessing.

Glaschek eat primarily meat, cooked or raw. Occasional vegetables or fruits are acceptable but a vegetarian glaschek is a dead dragon.

Nevatarii (maned western desert dragon)

Terrestrial, flying, short swims.

Size: (Adult)
Length nostrils to tail tip – 20-25 ft (6-7.5m)
Height ground to upright head – 8-10ft (2.5-3m)
Wingspan tip to tip – 40-45ft (12-14m)

Habitat: Nevatarii come from a mostly desert continent, and are used to sand and warmth. They also are good at fishing and enjoy swimming and fishing in the sea.

Lifespan: Approximately 4,300 to 4,700 years

Intelligence: High

Magic: Unique to this species of dragon, the ability to use magic often skips every other generation. For those who do have the ability to use magic it varies by tribe. Digging and fishing skills sometimes involve techniques passed generation to generation (i.e. tapping into magic energy to hold breath longer under water while fishing, or to break stones and heat others’ fire enough to melt sand into glass when digging caves and building shelters.)

Special Abilities: Nearly all Nevatarii breathe fire by excreting two chemicals on either side of the jaw which ignite when combined in the air, although it isn’t hot enough to melt sand into glass by itself.  Teaming up with a Nevatarii with magic abilities anyone’s fire can be made that hot however (Normal heat, approx 500-600oC, to melt sand needs approx. 2,300oC/4,500oF)
About: The Nevatarii are a desert race who recently have begun immigrating to Meinah from their homeland searching for a new home that could offer more food and comforts.  Many who have come have chosen to stay in Meinah, others have moved on searching for other lands more similar to their desert home.

Being a daytime desert race, they generally have poor night vision but more tolerance for bright light and a better grasp of color than any other creature.  They also are capable of compensating for the distortion of water while fishing from the air.
Physically: Traditional bodied dragon, four (4) legs (two forelegs, two hind legs) and two (2) wings.  Scales are a unique hexagonal shape, and all Nevatarii have a mane of some sort which protects the scales along their spine and their head from being scorched under the hot sun.  Some also have other tufts of fur on joints, ankles and occasionally at the end of their tail.

Beyond this, other various physical traits include:

  • Varying horn height
  • Size and thickness of limbs
  • Colouration and patterns (Just about anything within reason)

Diet: Nevatarii like to eat any sort of game or cattle, although they prefer the leaner meats and are not too fond of overly fatty animals.  Their primary source of food however is often fish, caught or trapped with various methods including diving, airborne fishing, and constructing traps of glass.

Society: Nevatarii are accustomed to a tribal, nomadic life.  They have the ability to dig and build strong tunnel networks, especially in sandy desert areas due to their knowledge of how to melt sand to thick glass walls.  Tribes often follow the leadership of the strongest female of their group, and those females who have been leader of the tribe but are no longer strong enough to lead physically become elders to provide wisdom and knowledge.  The wisest magic-using nevatarii of the tribe occasionally becomes a sort of shaman-dragoness.

Reproduction: On average a Nevatarii will only have one egg at a time, although twins are occasionally possible.  They mate for life, however the female often is the head of the family, unlike Glaschek dragons.

Teltaha (Agile western rune dragon)

Type: terrestrial, flying

Size: medium-large

Appearance: young have dark green scales that lighten to silvery grey with age. All Teltaha have a transparent, tear-drop shaped gem set in their foreheads – the telta, or dragon pearl to the humans (in part-Teltaha dragons the telta may be buried or partially covered by scales). Teltaha have a distinctive wing shape, reminiscent of a scythe due to the first wing-finger being greatly elongated.

Dimorphism: females have separated head-crests over each ear where males have a complete ruff; both genders can flatten the crests to block their ears against while roaring or screaming

Habitat: native to Yraela, the Teltaha are drawn to lush country; as Yraela became barren they struggled to adapt to the new environment

Lifespan: 3000-4000 years

Intelligence: high

Notable abilities: most purebred Teltaha are firebreathers, with two unusual attributes; the accompanying smoke has a powerful sedating effect on other species and is deadly to shrarka, and their flame grows hotter as they age. This increase in temperature changes the colour from red to blue-white, at the expense of weakening the narcotic effect. Young Teltaha cannot truly roar, rather they have a deafening scream which they themselves are immune to as they flatten their head-crests. Adults can make either noise.

Magic: The forehead jewel of the Teltaha grants them powerful restorative abilities, though they can only heal what is there (they cannot regenerate lost limbs). The magic is instinctive but the extent to which they can use it varies between individuals. The telta of grown dragons is so potent that if one is removed it can retain healing power for decades. Teltaha tend to have a natural aptitude for rune-magic; however the Teltaha bloodline alone is not magically powerful enough for many to gain the higher marks.

About: Once a proud race, flourishing on Yraela, the Teltaha began to rapidly decline as changes in the environment coincided with the human population deciding to hunt them for sport – and to obtain the healing telta. After their last refuge was mistakenly betrayed to the humans, the Teltaha fled Yraela.

They formed a colony on the volcanic island of Talayon, which lasted 200 years until it erupted without warning during Synacra’s campaign. The survivors returned to Yraela, finding that the humans had largely abandoned the desolate continent.

Raheir Tasathen, along with Siena, led the Teltaha to reclaim their ancestral territory, which led to prolonged conflict with the tribal human groups in the surrounding archipelago. Now the last of the large human alliances have failed and the small, disjointed raiding parties pose less of a threat to the Yraelic dragon population. As the human tribes still regard hunting them as a sacred sport and rite of passage, most Teltaha have little sympathy for the race; although their relations with the elves have become more cordial.

Community: Historically Teltaha have adhered to strict gender roles, with a single male providing the status for his offspring and mates. A typical family consisted of one male and up to five females. Offspring were raised communally, and while youngsters were aware of their parentage, they usually regarded all of their father’s mates in a maternal fashion. Males could hunt for themselves and take their share of any public feast, while female hunters brought their kills back to be divided by their mates.

This pecking order has changed considerably during Tasathen’s role, and adult dragons now hold prestige based solely on their own merit. The young are still often raised communally, as as Teltaha eggs vary wildly in hatching times, siblings from the same clutch may have 50 or more years between them. Commonly eggs hatch in 500-700 years, although a 1000-year-egg is considered auspicious.

Notable members
Tasathen – current Raheir (Rathi) of Yraela (NPC)
Janrien – Tasathen’s second-in-command (NPC)
Siena – unofficial war leader of Yraela and a Fifth Mark
Halan – the first Raheir of Talayon who grew corrupted and joined Synacra after being deposed (deceased)
Yantara – died in Teltaha captivity after betraying the location of the City of Shadows to the humans; in fact it was unintentional (deceased)

Language: Yraelic

Sali – greeting
Siat – expletive (a general curse over the nature of the universe, when things go wrong beyond your control, a falling rock happens to land on your toe, etc)
Siatne – siating (adjective)
Shruka – crude expletive
Raheir/Raheire – Rathi/Rathia (ruler of the land)
Ahair/Ahaire – Ahari/Aharia (ruler of a province)
Dator/Datia- father/mother
Darator/Dataria – grandfather
Dania – father’s mate but your mother

Other Races


Type: Flying & Terrestrial

Size: Approximately two – three times the size of a lion.

Appearance: Most gryphons have brown and golden feather and fur coloration. These are the traditional gryphons, with the head, wings, and forelegs like that of a hawk or eagle, and the lower body similar to a large feline (likely a lion).

Habitat:Often found in the upper canopy of large strong trees, or rocky areas of mountains. Especially fond of areas near lakes and shorelines due to an ideal diet consisting of fish and shellfish.

Lifespan: 1,900-2,100 years

Intelligence: Similar to that of dramen. Higher than human but a little lower than elves.

Notable abilities: Very agile both on land and in the sky, can fly circles around most dragons. While not extremely intelligent (by elf standards, but more intelligent than humans) Gryphons are an inventive race, and are highly experienced in stealth and hiding. While smaller, they were long ago a strong adversary against dragons in a great war.

Magic: Most are capable of healing and minor elemental abilities but rarely learn how to use them.

Very social and laid back creatures, Gryphons are often found living in aeries in the mountains overlooking the sea or larger lakes. They stay together and can form groups of up to 75, making them dangerous to try and attack. Upon hatching, young Gryphons already have razor sharp claws and beak.

Most gryphons eat fish, though they are known to also eat red meat on occasion. They have their own language but are just as comfortable with learning the local languages and are more capable of human-like speech than dragons.

Over 24,000 years ago, Gryphons and Dragons were the two main races in Nigeri. For a reason long since lost to oblivion, a war broke out which lasted over 5 decades, and however close a match had ended with the dragons winning and forming the first kingdom of Nigeri, forcing the gryphons into an exile where most simply settled on the large island south of Nigeri, commonly known by the humans as “Gryphon Island” The exile remained until the collapse of the dragon empire, but most gryphons remain on the safety of their island.


Type: Aquatic

Size: Comparable to humans

Appearance: Often found in bright, vibrant colors or dull blending patterns, merfolk appear to be more like humanoid fish than the traditional “Disney” type of merfolk. Various families have different appearances, each often resembling one type of fish or another but with a bone structure similar to that of a human (except a tail instead of legs). Hands are often only 4 fingers each ending in a claw.

Habitat: The ocean. Legend has it that they have a city off the southeastern coast of Nigeri.

Lifespan: 800 years

Intelligence: High, rival to elves.

Notable abilities: Amphibious. Though they can’t walk on land for more than a few hours, they can breathe in the water or open air.

Magic: Elf-like magic. Able to use internal magical sources instead of needing to rely on energy from potions and incantations. Coming Soon

Non-Playable Species

Companion Drake

Type: terrestrial or aquatic; varies wildly, but the vast majority of drakes can fly

Size: small to medium sized pet, from 2 feet long to 5 feet long depending on breed fully grown.

Appearance: highly variable

Habitat: they are never fully aquatic and require some land on which to rest and breed, but they are also highly adaptable

Lifespan: 50-500 years (varies on care and type).  Some are passed down from parent to child generation by generation.

Intelligence: compared to wild dogs, drakes are intellegent, but they do not speak, write, or have much in the way of problem solving ability.  They do learn commands and tasks easily however.

Notable abilities: Drakes make good pets for those who need a loyal helper.  On occasion a rare one may be firebreathing or icebreathing, but some also can be venomous.

Magic: Although related to dragons, companion drakes have very little to no magic ability although some may be empathetic to their master’s commands more than what most pets would be.

About: Drakes have been domesticated by humans, and while are found in the wild, are more happy to stay where they are regularly fed. Their intelligence and size varies widely and humans have bred drakes for specific purposes for hundreds of years.

A fed drake is a loyal drake, and they don’t question the commands they are given if they are well cared for, but they also can be  very affectionate creatures. Many drakes dislike solitude and will seek out company of any sort.

Shrarka Drake

Type: terrestrial, flying

Size: Larger than companion drakes, up to 3 meters in length.

Appearance: Shrarka are usually a mottled grey and brown with a very skeletal appearance except for a bulbous, ugly head.

Habitat: will live anywhere with access to plentiful fresh water (including frozen)

Lifespan: approx 50 years

Intelligence: About the same IQ as a doornail

Notable abilities: Shrarka have a highly poisonous bite, and are also able to spit their venom.

Magic: in large numbers will construct unnatural glaciers, they are invisible when submerged and able to pass through solid ice

About: Shrarka are airborne predators dating back to when there was actually snow on Yraela’s mountains. Their venom is as deadly poisonous to the Teltaha as the latter’s fire breath is to them; and shrarka were historically used for this purpose.

Only minimally intelligent, shrarka cannot truly be trained, but certainly they can be directed as they will preferentially pursue the largest existing prey. They are pack hunters, utilizing simple mob tactics. A secondary objective to food, shrarka hoard water in the form of ice; a shrarka nest will often appear as an unnaturally positioned glacier.

Although their form of magic is unconscious, shrarka have an affinity for, and a dependence on fresh water. They can cause water bodies to solidify, but can still pass through themselves. They can stay submerged indefinitely and are all but invisible underwater.

They resemble skeletal drakes with bulbous heads on too-thin necks. Their eyes are tiny but their blunt jaws are so teeming with curving needle teeth that they cannot fully shut. In addition to their bite – which, while not powerful, delivers more than enough poison – they can spit their acid-like venom across a considerable range.

Spike Lizard

Type: terrestrial

Appearance: various colours, thickset lizards up to 2m in length

Habitat: adaptable, but preferentially live in warm areas

Lifespan: 10-20 years, longer in captivity

Intelligence: low

Notable abilities: covered in large quills that they can forcibly eject; and that regrow on an almost daily basis

Magic: NONE


type: Land Based
Size: Unicorns are similar in size to a medium riding horse.

Appearance: Meinan Unicorns look like the traditional unicorn. A pure white horse with an ivory horn pointing to the sky between the eyes.

Habitat: It is rare to see a unicorn, as they try to avoid other races as much as possible and they seem to have the ability to sense strangers approaching.  When sighted they are however often found in remote plains and forest clearings.

Lifespan: 80-100 years

Intelligence: Unicorns are comparable to humans as far as intellegence is concerned. They are very social and have their own language and historical accounts, but shy outside of a herd and their language has no written form.

Notable abilities: Unicorns are, for the most part, similar in traits to their equine cousin horses, however they are stronger, longer lived, and more intellegent.

Magic: Unicorns are able to do small but powerful castings, often in self defense or protection if they feel threatened or attacked. Like the blood of a blackblooded dragon, much of the unicorn’s magical ‘energy’ is contained within its horn. For this reason, human mages will hunt down unicorns for their horns.

About: Unicorns are herd animals and often keep with family groups. They also are apolitical, and thus while they have been in Nigeri since before the Dragon-Gryphon war, they have not been drawn into war unless captured and forced, and have gone on with their lives indifferent as to how all other races live and act. Most are found in Western Nigeri, but finding them is difficult. They rarely interact with other races and some believe they may be able to use magic to hide themselves from the common passerby for protection.