Formed in the summer of 2004, a public roleplay forum opened, with the official first story beginning that September. Originally named Meinah, The site was a reorganization of an instant messenger roleplay goup who had called themselves “Many Insane Dragons,” a group from various other sites who participated in rather random and disjointed group stories stemming from shared interests. Unlike “MID,” two of the members, Arix and Ahgjan, developed a rough plan for a fantasy setting which they named Minah.

Through the first storyline,  “Companions” and in continuing storylines, the territory of Minah was quickly defined. In the stories, Beltic (later renamed Ahgjan) and a small group of dragons encounter a young orphaned boy named Kaster and held secret meetings with the local human king, all while trying to survive in a world that saw them as monsters. Adventures included conflicts, slice of life, and even an extended story involving a dragon and human swapping bodies for a time.

A boost of energy came to the forum with the introduction of a group of players from New Zealand, bringing fresh elf and dragon characters to the main storyline. Characters such as Astrophe, Moondance, and Siena helped new stories take off and breathed life and depth into a site that could have easily faltered in its first year.

In 2005, more detail was added to the lore, expanding on the landscape. A new map was created to make Minah a Provence of a much larger nation named Nigeri, and more structured stories began arriving. Magic use was refined and lore related to the history of the land was developed. During this time a recurring villain began to gain power, and by mid 2006 stories revolved around a war and takeover of the land by the evil dragon Synacra, while the heroes of the land formed a rebellion to defeat him.

Nigeri went dead before the final battle, falling victim to the reality of most players graduating and entering the workforce or college in their offline lives. A short finale story was written by Ahgjan and Arix to close out the war.

The forum was silent in 2007 and 2008. In 2009, Ahgjan launched a sequel site, Dragon’s Turf. This multiple-RP site included a dragon-fighting roleplay world, a Jurassic Park parallel story, and an early attempt at a Nigeri Sequel.

Nigeri II was set 10,000 years after the defeat of Synacra, where a new Ahgjan, Great-great-great-grandson of the original Nigeri’s ruler, lead a much-changed kingdom. The story was met with mixed reviews and did not last long.

“Nigeri 2.1” came from a pilot story introduction proposed by Katathias, his original storyline concept introduction:

From behind the human looking down, a nicely dressed man, a professor probably, holds his hands against a suspended canister and using magic he ignites the canister and soon the balloon begins to lift off. Taking to the skies, rising above the hills with the view of Calista, the White City in the background. Soon they rise above the clouds and even the Pinnacle Tower in Calista. The younger human laughs at the success as they float over the Pinnacle, seeing his own reflection in the marbled surface and gold inlay. “This is amazing professor. Not sure if the Academy will be thrilled you used magic to ignite it though.”

The professor laughed and took his spot next to the boy and motioned to the sky. “Soon boy, the sky will be filled with these.  Humanity will rule the skies like they do the ground and sea, just like dragons once did.” The boy rolled his eyes at the professor. “Im too old for stories about dragons and how they once ruled Nigeri. You know very well that they didn’t exist, that story only works on younglings.” The professor laugh playfully with the boy and ruffled his hair. “I didnt bring you up here just too look at clouds.” The professor walked over to the other side of the basket and motioned the boy over.

“Come here and look…yes, in just…a moment…” Flying over the clouds finally cleared to a valley nestled near a mountain. A roaring sound filled their ears and the professor laughed. Dragons, flying around the valley and around the mountain. “They…how?” The boy was at a loss.  “I found them a few months ago…seems our esteemed Praetor doesnt wish this knowledge to be leaked to the public. If the people knew our governing council and Praetor in the past were resposible for the dissapearance of Nigeri’s greatest, there would be chaos and then the Praetor would have to turn over his rule to the ruler of the dragons to avoid war.  As we know our Praetor isnt one to hand over power so easily.” The boys eyes were ablaze with wonder. “So I intend to force a hand and your going to help me. We will release them from the barrier that holds them inside. The age of humanity has gone too long unchecked, those who are rightful must return to weed out the corruption like our great Praetor.”

Its nothing to extravagent, its a simple story with a lot of detail. Pretty much its set after maybe 2k years after whatever happens in Nigeri 2 if it had finished. Dragons were outsed by the growing human populace and their new government which is ruled by a single Praetor and the Pinnacle Council. In order for humanity to thrive without the checks of dragons, the Praetor had the most powerful barrier spell put in place over the valley the dragons retreated to, which require the sacrifice of many magus. It would pull a switcharoo, at first the Praetor would try to make dragons to look like the villains, burning down entire cities, even capturing a dragon and starving it until its hungry enough to eat anything that moves and releases it into Calista.  he wouldn’t be the villain that needs an army to destroy his foe, just simple manipulation and the world turns against the now free dragons, but over time, against the manipulative Praetor, people will see dragons are not evil.”

– Katathias

Although the idea of a balloon was dropped from the concept, this story formed into a new Nigeri II plot, which first opened for action in January 2011.  Like the first attempt at Nigeri II, 2.1 met some mixed reviews and was found to be too strict and plot-heavy.

One final attempt was made in 2015 to revive Nigeri: Meinah as a Discord server with a newly revised Nigeri II storyline, going back to its roots. A merging of the original storyline and Kata’s N2.1 ideas.  Set only 300 years after the defeat of Synacra, Original characters were back and the landscape, cities, factions, and races were better defined. This attempt lasted for several months before suffering and closing in the absence of several chief players from the original group and few new members take their place.

If there is enough interest over time, Meinah could return as a Discord server once more someday.