The Settings

Original Settings

The Realm of Nigeri / Meinah

A world of politics, conflict and distrust, where a primarily human civilization with a short history coexists with the ancient races of dragons, gryphons, elves and others who they displaced.
Keywords:fantasy, pre-industrial, dragons, elves, gryphons, merfolk, half-dragons, dwarves, feline and canine races
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After a scientist says they will change the world, his mad experiment does so quite literally! Now the few with memories of Earth the way it was must cope with a fantasy world where the madman is king.
Keywords:Fantasy, transformation, magic, mad scientist, rebellion, sorcery, medieval settings.
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Franchise Based Settings

Dragon's Rest

An original prequel plotline in the world of How To Train Your Dragon. Decades before and hundreds of miles away from the events of the movies, a new tribe and village reside on an island occupied by wild dragons who escaped from hunters.
Keywords:HTTYD, Dragons, Vikings, Dragonrider, Sailing, Slice of Life, Adventure, Alternate History
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Real World Pokemon

Welcome to the World of Pokemon...using a modified version of the real world around us for its setting. Western USA Leage Championships: San Francisco!
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The New World

While the world focuses on InGen's dinosaur themed amusement parks, a more secretive company has been working with dinosaurs since 1922. A merger of the Jurassic Park timeline with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 1912 novel "The Lost World."
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