A Land of Dinosaur and Human Cooperation

Grand Library of Materia
Located in the municipality of Husen

A massive and ancient structure, the Grand Library of Materia has been expanded in every direction over the past centuries.

Located near the government center of Husen, the street-facing fascade is on the northeast corner of the structure and fits architecturally with the surrounding structures. 22-meter columns tower above the road capped with arched roofing. The recessed wood doors are large enough to allow access to the tallest and widest of citizens. Within these walls is the grandest area of the library, a horseshoe-shaped gallery with a vaulted roof, tall and narrow windows spaced between rows and rows of books on several levels, as well as great works of art by masters of Materia’s past. Reading desks are built facing both the opening and the floor so that guests of any height may comfortably read and research.

Deeper into the facility are smaller corridors and offices and rooms full of of written and artistic material, all stored and accessible to staff in more utilitarian construction of various ages. At the center of the library is “The Vault,” the original library, which is a simple stone room now protected by several locks and strict access and handling policies, which contain the original copies of the written records of Materia’s human founders.