A Land of Dinosaur and Human Cooperation

Defined as a City,
Part of the Salfulk Area
Mayor: Lonnie Argon (irritator)
Humans: 37,582
Pelaons: 6,921

Summer: 15c to 32c, 26c avg
sunny, strong storms at times

Winter: 1c to 16c, 7c avg
Cloudy and rainy


This port city is not very notable beyond being near one of the largest and most powerful flyer colonies and a border between multiple known swimmer communities





Shoals Park


Fishing Piers


The primary employment in Salfulk are shipbuilding, fishing, and fish preparation.

Agriculture and trade serve as secondary businesses. Salfulk has long been the location of the highest percentage of trade with swimmer and flyer communities.

Common Architecture:

Wood and brick structures are common. Many bricks are sand based giving them a lighter color.

Terrain & Geography:

A relatively level and sandy area between two distant mountain ranges north and south of the city. Only certain plants grow well in the soil, especially those that like well drained soil.

The coastline includes several dunes and border walls which protect the city itself from storm surge during large storms. Beyond this are large, shallow sloped beaches. Several inlets exist where the shipyards have been constructed.