A Land of Dinosaur and Human Cooperation

Defined as a City,
Part of the Husen Area
Mayor: Telton Jariss (human)
Humans: 47,622
Pelaons: 16,197

Summer: 15c to 36c, 29 avg
sunny, occasional showers

Winter: 2c to 12c, 8c avg
Cloudy, some rain


The edge of civilization…for those in the capital. Reston is the crossroads for the north-south Elizabethtown-Borrisdon road and the east-west Husen-Bergen road. For those traveling from Husen, anything beyond Reston is often referred to as the wilds. There is lodging and dining here as well as the central offices of many of the stage and transport companies. Construction is a mix of stone, wood and brick.

The road from Reston to Husen is approximately 415km long. To Bergen is approximately 500km. South to Vaston is 330km and north to Bakarsfield is approximately 115km.


Grand Crossroads

Crossroads Hotel

Roadway Park

City Park

City Hall

Warehouse Highway

Great Marketplace

Ruuks Tower

Wagonwrights’ Enclave


Travelers and trade are the main industry of this city. Being the crossroads of the North-South and East-West roads, it is a popular place to stop and rest between destinations or on a journey.

Many hotels and motels of all sizes, qualities and price ranges exist here, as do one of the largest collection of restaurants in Materia. A large market area offers travelers any services or supplies they may need when leaving the cities for the less-developed lands along the rest of the road.

There are also baths, clothiers and a variety of smithies, together marketing to those entering Husen for the first time and wishing to look clean and well groomed for the capital. Warehouses stand along a series of bypass roads that circle the city itself, where uncomissioned goods can be stored, bought or traded by transport companies.

Common Architecture:

Architecture in Reston matches that of a classic Mid-Atlantic American city at the beginning of the 20th century. Many buildings are plain or painted brick with glass windows and sturdy doors. Other structures are mostly wood based with stone foundations, and some older structures are stone with plaster facing.

Terrain & Geography:

Reston sits atop a wide open area surrounded by grassland and spots of wooded area. There is some agriculture but most of the landscape is still quire picturesque. In many areas, grasses are so tall that medium and smaller species can completely hide among the growth.