A Land of Dinosaur and Human Cooperation

Defined as a City,
Part of the Pittston Area
Mayor: “Boss” Renn Vash (t-rex)
Humans: 62,981
Pelaons: 33,187

Summer: 12c to 28.5c, 21 avg
sunny, strong storms at times

Winter: -1c to 12c, 6c avg
Cloudy, ice storms & snow common


The industrial capital of the world, and the second largest city in Materia. This city was built around a series of productive mines in the mountains and a vast industrial system has formed here. Coal and metal ores are found in the surrounding hills in vast abundance. In addition to the mines, forges and kilns dot the landscape refining iron and other metals as well as baking limestone byproduct of the mines into lime powder for farms.

There is great wealth here, though not for everyone. Work is reliable and pays well, and provides security as most employees of mines and furnaces are provided with housing, education and food, but the trade is that these jobs do not pay very much due to those amenities being deducted from wages. Those who manage to become supervisors or owners often live in much more comfort and find financial success.

Electric power generation plants dot the landscape providing power to industries, mines and wealthier homes. Industries less than a mile from the nearby river make use of small hydroelectric plants for power.

Pittston is approximately 280km from New Bacam by rail and 350 by road. The city is 500km from Kyrio by road and 400 from the same by river barge. The town of Shillforge, which also exports metal goods produced with Pittston steel, is approximately 80km away by barge or road. The meeting of the Pittston Road with the Great North-South Road at the town of Farn’s Tavern is approximately 520km from Pittston, with the railway expected to reach that point some time in the future.


City Hall

City Library

Miners Memorial

Slag Park

Historic Pig Iron Furnace “Lizzie”

Railway Terminal and Shops

Riverfront Port

Riverpoint Park

Coalhill Bridge

Gray Bridge

Steel Monument Bridge

Iron Trails

Gravity Roads


The processing and manufacture of copper, bronze, tin, iron and some silver objects serve as the primary industry of the city, with exports of raw stone and coal also proving lucrative businesses. The mountains are abundant in raw materials.

Most food is imported from elsewhere in Materia, as are most other supplies. In addition to the myriad of mines and furnaces, there are many factories casting and forging construction materials, decorations, tools, vehicle parts, utensils, and nearly every other object made of metal. clusters of stores are found scattered among various residential neighborhoods.

Investors in New Bacam, with the approval of the Materian government, connected their city with Pittston with a new steam powered railroad, providing additional jobs and quicker transport of goods out of the city.

Common Architecture:

Most architecture in Pittston is brick, metal, or wood construction, often more utilitarian and robust than many other cities due to the vibration from blasting and heavy machinery in the area and the presence of many more larger, stronger carnivore residents with heavier footsteps. Most structures are single level with 5 meter ceilings. Some structures in the dense residential or retail areas are built with 5-meter or higher first levels and shorter upper level apartments for human or smaller paleon residents.

Terrain & Geography:

This city is built on the point of confluence between two rivers, surrounded on all sides by high mountains. The city itself is built in an area where foothills have over time been raised or lowered in the process of working the mines and collecting raw materials. This has formed a mild plateau. The rivers and several feeder creeks wind through the mountains and often erode the slope exposing new coal, ore and stone veins.