A Land of Dinosaur and Human Cooperation

Defined as a City,
Part of the Fork Area
Mayor: Archibald Anexon (human)
Humans: 8,389
Pelaons: 7,932

Summer: 10c to 32c, 21c avg
sunny, strong storms at times

Winter: -8c to 12c, 1c avg
Cold, cloudy, snowy


Fork is a large community, barely considered a city, which is named for its primary importance. It is the central city in the northern continent and is the site of a fork in the road where travelers going south can decide to take a mountainous pass or a coastal road on their way to Hull.

Supplies for the surrounding communities are often stockpiled here and distributed over the winter.

Fork is approximately 175km from Bonniebreak, 400km from Suran Lake, and 550km from Race-on-Sea.


Some small mines exist in the mountainous areas around Fork, as do rock quarries. Most business in Fork, however, involves trade, lodging, or working warehouses where goods are stored. Fork serves as a stockpile for many of the area communities for the wintertime, as well as a safe haven for travelers in the presence of winter storms.

Common Architecture:

Most structures in Fork are sturdy stone, clay block and brick with metal reinforcement and roofing. Most buildings have very thick foundation walls to provide insulation and stability.

Terrain & Geography:

Fork is built between two mountains and alongside the river that travels north from Suran lake to Fork before turning southeast toward the sea. The road from Borrisdon to Race-on-Sea travels along the edge of the mountains and passes through the middle of the sloped city. At the center of town, the namesake fork in the road is found, with a steeply descending road that crosses the river and travels southwest toward the mountains and Suran Lake.

Across the river from Fork is a flat and damp landscape which has been modified in several areas for cool weather crops. The city itself climbs a hill and some terrace gardens exist but not much can grow within the city limits.