Velociraptor Sornaensis

Species Velociraptor Sornaensis

Original sample genome: mixed

Concept artwork provided to the genetics team for an experimental cosmetic match.

Identifier: VELO-S-YY-####


Family Dromaeosauridae

Suborder Therapoda

The gene sequence and first successful breeding of this species took place at Isla Sorna (InGen Complex Site B)

13' (4m) Long, 6' (1.8m) Tall

165 lbs

Measured Speed: 45-50 mph

Terrain Preference Is Primarily Forest

Preference of Diet Is Medium to Large Mammals/Small to Medium Herbivorous Dinosaurs

Since accounts of the incident at Isla Nublar in the early 1990s by Dr. Ian Malcolm first arose, the general public image of Velociraptor has been the manufactured appearance of v. Nublaraensis and the subsequent modification known as v.Sornaensis.  These species were provided the name due to v. Mongoliensis serving as a 47% genetic source.  Much of the remaining gene sequence of this species comes from Utahraptor, Deinonychus and H. viridiflavus (African Tree Frog) accounting for the large size, minimal feathers and presence of both males and females on Isla Sorna upon capture despite a female-only breeding program.

This species has a very strong pack function, often a female alpha with complex commands allowing a small pack to hunt and take larger prey as a unit.

Cosmetic and behavioral experimentation are the primary focuses of the v. Sornaensis program.  These focus on exploiting the variety of pigmentation types offered within the gene sequence as well as the high intelligence shared by the other dromaeosaurid assets.  A long term breeding program is attempting to develop this gene sequence with the severely deteriorated samples of Utahraptor ostrommaysi through several generations in attempt to revive a closer approximation to that notable species.

This genome was provided as part of a package agreement in exchange for helping capture International Genetics Corporation assets on Isla Nublar in preparation for Jurassic World construction in the early 2000s since SCGC has more experience in that field. Because of this, the dinosaur is named for its original development location Isla Sorna.  In addition to the genome and research data, two adult specimens, one male and one female v. Sornaensis, were provided to SCGC for relocation to Isla Panadera.

Current Specimens:

02-001 M InGen
02-002 F InGen
08-013 F G
10-006 Rexi F B, G
10-009 F A
10-011 Snot  M B
Experiment types key: (A)Basic Cloning, (B)Behavior, (L)Longevity, (Y)Fertility, (D)Disease Resistance, (F)Body feature, (P)Pigmentation, (S)Strength, (G)Gene stability, (X)Genetic crossbreed, (Z)Intermediate to reviving a new species