Beta Site

Paleo-Genetics Division Beta Site

Isla Panadera

(click on image for larger map)

The newly completed complex at Isla Panadera offers employees the combination of a tropical resort atmosphere with a secure and state-of-the-art facility. Beyond the walls of the complex center is an island-wide infrastructure of observation and support facilities as unique and specific in their designs as can be found anywhere in the world! This summary will explain the facilities constructed here as well as the history and natural offerings of the island itself.

Unlike the public resort and research facilities of one of our major competitors, the SCGC does not attempt to contain the majority of our biological assets any more than is required for their health and safety. We instead focus on ensuring the safest and smallest possible to protect our employees and reduce the risk of systems breakdown.

Secure Borders

The smaller Western Complex Gate

Both the Central Complex and the Port are surrounded by a perimeter fence designed to be more secure than anything else of its kind. Learning from our competitor’s failures our fences are a mix of physical and deterrent barrier. With a base width of 6 feet and a diamond polished exterior surface the 13 foot concrete barrier is guaranteed to keep even moderate sized assets from climbing over the wall. The concrete barrier is capped with two parallel and independently powered wire mesh fences measuring an additional 12 feet in height and carrying a base current of 500v which will step up to as much as 12,000v if current draw from contact is detected. The initial shock should incapacitate but not harm most assets however continued attempts will terminate the asset if necessary to protect our employees. The fences also cannot be disabled from one single terminal or using one single employee credentials as a failsafe against sabotage. Several redundant reactivation systems and a backup power supply are also integrated into various locations within the complex in case of an unlikely power failure.

An Unusual Door

A unique and patented design has been incorporated into all exterior facing gates and field location facilities. Our engineers determined that traditional horizontal or vertical sliding gate designs could lead to failure through obstruction or entrance during smaller assets during the closure period. Instead, a subterranean mechanism has been installed which combines a primary hydraulic control system with a counterweight geared mechanical backup control and a ratcheting safety system. This assembly raises and lowers a thick carbon steel barrier from underground securely along a shock resistant track which reduces or prevents ramming damage by our larger assets if staff are pursued and reduces the risk of asset entry during door closure. In ideal conditions this door which can be opened or closed in under 3 seconds, however sensitive pressure systems prevent any asset or employee trapped between door and wall from receiving serious injuries. Any asset which may become trapped in the closing door will be unable to apply enough force to reopen the door due to the ratcheting support system allowing staff time to activate the asset’s implant tranquilizer.

Narrow steel doors capable of providing emergency access also exist beside or near each of these doors. The thick steel doors are well maintained and open to a three digit code. This door is too small to allow most assets access, however for further security these doors are constructed in pairs with an inner corridor where further entry must be approved by entry of the same code on the interior wall or by remote access from another member of staff. This corridor also may be used as an emergency bunker in inclement weather.

Port of Entry

On the southern coastline of the island is situated a small port protected during storms by concrete wave breaks. This serves as the entry point for all staff, visitors and cargo. The primary docks here are capable of offloading most medium sized cargo vessels, vehicular ferries and large yachts. A small marina is constructed beside the docks where security patrol boats and recreational fishing and cruising boats owned by the company Recreation Division can be found. Minimal maintenance facilities exist and members of the staff are permitted but discouraged from basing personal watercraft at the marina.

An office and refrigerated warehouse are located at the port to facilitate shipping, offloading and storage of goods. The entire complex is surrounded by a perimeter fence which is constructed onto the breakwater. Motion sensors and security systems are in place to notify the security contingent in the port office as well as the primary security office when any creature larger than 1 meter in length enters the port area by sea. The entire port area is connected to the complex by an overland road as well as a direct and secure tunnel. Most traffic makes use of the tunnel.

Waterfront Recreation

Within the security fence and beside the port is a traditional bathing beach for use by employees. The black sand beach offers sunbathing and swimming as well as a clear view of port activities. Swimmers are provided with a large netted area as well as the presence of a bath house and medium indoor pool and hot tub. A lifeguard is stationed on duty each day during posted times.


To ensure no disruption of travel due to asset or weather related obstructions, a tunnel connects the port with the main complex through the southeastern ridge of the mountain ring with both portals being within the perimeter fence of both facilities. This tunnel measures 1.6 miles long, is wide enough for bidirectional traffic and has a barrier protected pedestrian path. Ventilation is provided through a central vertical shaft as well as a fan system on each end of the tunnel. From the complex portal is an immediate elevation drop of thirty three feet over a distance of 1/4 mile followed by a more gradual drop of an additional fourty two feet from that point to the port portal.

Observation Centers

Observation Center #09 in the grasslands.

At strategic points across the island are placed unique observation towers used primarily by the behavioral studies teams. These facilities are built of robust and heavy duty materials capable of withstanding any force weather or our largest assets can throw at them. Thick reinforced concrete walls contain a 2 vehicle garage topped with a central floor making up temporary living quarters, food and medical supply storage and electronic communications systems. The third level is a steel construction protecting a tinted reinforced glass enclosure. This room provides a 360 degree view of the surrounding terrain and a central column is fixed with screens showing live feeds from remote cameras throughout that tower’s territory.

Each tower keeps one full size vehicle and at least one off road vehicle or dirtbike, the second bay of the garage being kept clear in case of emergencies. Both bays are secured by the same vertical lift door mechanism as is used on the complex perimeter fences. An additional 30 inch wide door offers entrance to the facility on the backside of the garage with a corridor and interior door to reduce the risk of asset breaching.

Main Complex

The primary facility of the SCGC Isla Panadera is a highly secured complex of buildings which could be compared with a small company town in function. The entire complex is contained within a perimeter fence keeping our biological assets out and our employees in. The most prominent structures include the primary office and veterinary building, the residential building, the genetics laboratory, fleet management and the recreational and educational hall. In addition to these are smaller buildings including security offices, a medical facility, landscaping and maintenance facilities, a water treatment plant and a power facility.

Diagram of the main complex as first designed.
A – Main offices and Veterinary Facility
B – Genetics and Science Laboratories
C – Fleet Management Facility
D – Medical/Security Offices
(Final design resulted in separate facilities)
E – Power and water treatment plant
F – Residential Building
G – Recreation Center
1-3 – gate security offices.

Main Offices & Veterinary Building.

Building A, containing much of the island operations.

This most prominant structure stands along the north edge of the complex and is incorporated into the perimeter wall. It is made up of a central tower with two wings. The exterior of the building is of concrete and glass construction with a series of asset enclosures on the exterior face of the entire structure. At the top of the central tower is the CEO penthouse and an emergency helipad. The eastern wing is of a standard rectangular design and contains primarily administrative facilities while the west wing is stepped and contains veterinary, embryonics, and some genetic research facilities and a veterinary supplies warehouse.

Within this structure can be found most of the company’s primary functions and important resources. Beyond the spacious lobby are meeting and conference rooms, an extensive library serving both as the island’s “public” library and a repository for the company’s research findings, and the island data center and switchboard. The various levels of the east wing provide a portion of the company’s call services, marketing department, accounting, IT, Personnel Resources, and administrative functions among other business activities. The top level of the structure serves as the private offices of the company directors and top level executives; while some of these executives hold their primary offices at other facilities around the world, an office is reserved for each at Isla Panadera for use during in-person conferencing.

The west end of the structure is used for the incubation of eggs fertilized by the genetics division, care and husbandry of infant assets, and the medical care of all biological assets. The ground level of the west wing contains several oversized operating and examination rooms capable of being used with assets up to 25 feet in length. A corridor connecting to this wing runs along the outside perimeter of the building connecting with enclosures of various sizes, the smallest being intended for small carnivorous asset containment and the largest being a communal pen for herbivores under medical observation. These pens do not have access to the outside of the complex and assets being transported between these pens and the wild must be tranquilized and transported via a loading dock and transport vehicle.

Administration Information
Veterinary Division Information


Biology, chemical and genetics laboratories are located in a separate facility between the main office and the fleet management yard. This building is three stories with offices on the upper level and various labs on the ground and middle floor.

Each laboratory room is individually sealed with ventilation, hazmat containment and vapor entrapment, independent fire supression and various safety and was station types in case of accidents. In addition, each level is separated into zones which can be individually quarantined in case of a containment breach from an individual lab. Extremely dangerous experimentation related to volatile chemical compounds and diseases are kept in sectors on opposite ends of the building from one another with labs which are constructed of sealed dual-wall containment, shatter proof glass and equipped with decontamination airlocks.

Genetics Division Information

Residential Building

The first of what may be several residential structures, this 12 floor building provides the comforts of home with the amenities of a resort hotel and a shopping mall. As there are no other lodging options for employees, the costs associated with residency are factored into each employee’s salary agreement and rates are extremely generous.

Beginning with the basement level, a staffed commercial laundry service as well as a separate public laundromat are available in the only “public” area of this level. Additional facility offices, maintenance, water and wastewater treatment and storage exists in the subterranean area. Heavy supports are driven deep into the island below the basement level to enure maximum stability in case of severe weather or seismic activity.

The entire ground level of the building is used for popular dining and retail establishments. With a growing population of staff and their families on the island, the mall provides the ability to keep up with the latest fashions and products from familiar retailers. Contracts are signed with several of these companies to provide permanent staffing and scaled-down versions of their establishments, including Macy’s, Pay-less Shoes, Gadzooks, Radio Shack, Barnes & Noble and more! In addition a large food court offers many popular choices for fast-food, diner fare, and ethnic cuisine as well as a separate fine dining restaurant. On the opposite end of the mall from the food court is a three-screen theater offering a mix of popular classic and current blockbuster releases.

Above the mall are several levels containing one bedroom apartments and efficiencies ideal for single employees or couples. The top three levels of the building are larger family apartments of various sizes to accommodate our many employees moving to the island with a spouse and children.

Security Offices

There are several security offices across the island, most being within the complex walls. This includes a primary building across from Fleet Management and a small office at each gate and beside the tunnel portal. A small office is present within the residential building and within the port office building.

The primary security building contains offices and storage for all aspects of island security and asset containment. The functions of this facility includes serving as the base of operations for all patrols and escort operations, emergency rescue calls, investigations into security breaches and thefts as well as an armory of lethal and non lethal weaponry. Fire and medical emergency rescue equipment is also stored here and all staff are trained in its use.

The small residential office serves as the primary contact point for domestic disputes and manages surveillance systems for retail and mall locations as well as residential corridors.

Each of the perimeter entrance offices are little more than gate houses with one or two on-duty officers ensuring safe entry and exit of the complex and preventing non-personnel from exiting the safety of the complex and preventing entrance to the complex by biological assets.

Security Division Information

Fleet Management Yard

The largest paved area on the island is the fleet management yard. This is where all vehicles are stored when not assigned to other facilities or currently in use. The Fleet facility also includes a full service garage which maintains every vehicle on the island and is capable of every form of maintenance and rebuild necessary.

Fleet Management Division info

Recreation Center

At the southern edge of the complex can be found a facility dedicated to the health and enjoyment of all island residents. Several athletic fields surround a large two floor structure. The first floor contains an Olympic size swimming pool, racketball court, basketball court, four bowling lanes and an extensive weight room. The second level contains additional excersize and cardio equipment and fitness and health class rooms as well as a large lounge with multiple large televisions, pool tables and other amusements.

In addition, half of the second level is separated from the recreation facility with an independent entrance and contains classrooms to serve as a school to educate children of employees.

Personnel Resources Division Information

Power and Utilities

The primary power source for all island facilities is solar power. In addition to supplemental solar arrays atop several structures and arrays atop each of the observation towers, a large solar field surrounds the primary power plant near the recreation facility to provide electricity to the island facilities. To further supplement the power needs of the island, several diesel backup generators are in place to provide additional power to individual facilities and a small mixed natural gas and waste incinerator plant is installed within the primary power facility. Plans are in place to construct a geothermal power facility near Mount George in order to maintain the growing demand, at which time the solar and incineration systems will be relegated to redundancy supplement status.

Water is pumped from the subterranean water table and filtered at a facility near the power plant for use both in the power systems and throughout the complex. An additional well outside of the residential facility and purification systems within the basement area

Beyond the Walls: The Island of Isla Panadera

Satellite view of Isla Panadera

The island selected for the PaleoGenetics base of operation was first discovered in the early 16th century by Spanish explorers and given the name Isla Cuenco due to the bowl-like shape formed by the mountains around the island’s perimeter. At the latter part of that century a merchant ship drifted too close to the island and wrecked beyond repair against the rocks of the western coastline. For nearly a decade the survivors of that wreck inhabited the island, cultivating what grains and food items they could salvage from their ship among the naturally present flora in the fertile bowl.

The crops grew and spread surprisingly well and the presence of an abundance of wheat, oat and rye as well as a primarily bread based diet sustaining the survivors gained the island its new name after their rescue. Isla Panadera, or “Baker’s Island,” was chosen by the Summerlee-Challenger Genetics Corporation for our operations out of the eighteen islands surveyed due to the continual and self sustaining presence of these grains in the grasslands among other more leafy foliage across the island. Due to the rich plant variety and high nutrient base among our island’s flora, dietary needs will be well met for both herbivorous assets as well as modern game and livestock which are released on the island to serve as prey for carnivorous assets.

Beyond our biological assets, the other animals transplanted to the island as food source for predators include wild boar, white tail and red brocket deer, mountain goat, several species of chicken and brahmen cattle as well as diploglossus, iguana, basilisk and other species of lizard. Freshwater fish including bass, tilapia, gar and other species native to Costa Rica have also been added to the previously barren freshwater river and lake.

The island measures roughly five miles wide laterally and seven miles longitudinally making it slightly larger than Isla Nublar 100 miles away, however not nearly as mountainous as that theme park island. Many areas and all observation, maintenance and utility facilities are accessible by packed earth or crushed gravel roadways and several waterways are traversed with concrete and steel bridges.

Mountain Ranges

The island is ringed by a series of mountain ranges. These vary in height and slope but share appearance with the mountains of other regional islands including the heavily marketed images of our competitor’s Isla Nublar amusement park island.

The longest of the ranges travels from the northwest corner of the island and wraps around the entire eastern edge of the island before coming to a wide and shallow sloped end at the southern peninsula. On the western edge of the island are three smaller parallel ranges curving in parallel with the beach. Between each ridge is a shallow valley each still higher in altitude at their center than the surrounding landscape and sloping to sea level at the north and south end of the valley. At the north end of these smaller ridges is a marshland and lake area, and to the south grassland leading to the southwest beach.

The mountains are heavily forested with many springs and frequent patches of undergrowth. Ferns are especially common along the forest floor. Some slopes are shallow enough for even the largest herbivores to climb however there are many sudden drops and steep slopes which can prove treacherous to assets and personnel unfamiliar with the area.

Mount George

Mt. George visible in background left.

Near the center of the island can be found Mt. George. The name was given to the dormant and quite tall volcanic cone in honor of Dr. George Challenger. With an altitude of just under 2000 feet at its summit the mountain is forested to a point near the top with a gray rocky summit that sometimes reflects the sun in a way that gives it the appearance of a snow cap. The mountain is primarily used by predatory species that hunt smaller prey such as rodents and snakes.


At the center of the island and extending to the dark sand beach of the southwestern coast is a vast grassland ideal for many grazing and smaller predatory species. A mix of native grasses is interspersed with abundant oat, wheat and rye grasses of european varieties. Scattered throughout the grassland are patches of thicket, taller more sheltering foliage and wooded areas which provide shelter and hiding places for many species.

Several small creeks, ponds and lakes are scattered across the grasslands, fed by mountain springs. These provide ample water for assets and when applicable have been transplanted with fish.

At the northwest edge of the grasslands they meet the massive lake and marshland . Many assets can often be found near the transition between these terrain types.

Waterways and Lakes

Highly active springs within the mountains of the eastern coastline provide abundant fresh water throughout the island. The most notable water features of Isla Panadera are a river and lake at the northern end of the island. Creeks, ponds and small lakes are scattered across the remainder of the island.

The river is fed by hundreds of small springs along its route, some forming steep streams, creeks and waterfalls along the mountain slopes before emptying into the river which begins in the northeastern valley between the Eastern Ridge and Mt. George and works its way through the valley northwestward (downhill). A small lake is formed halfway up the ridge along the river’s route and fed by several springs, and in turn also feeds into the river. The river ends with a wide opening feeding a significant lake.

Aerial view of lake and marshland

The lake which is located in the northwest corner of the grasslands measures approximately half a mile in diameter and is 53 feet deep at its lowest point. The lake serves as a common watering hole for all species and behavioral studies researchers have found that a proportionately very low number of incidents between predator and prey species are ever documented near this water source. The lake empties into a wide marshland with a shallow primary trunk creek emptying directly into the ocean. Access to the lake via this creek is restricted to boats with hull draft of 12″ or less.


Dividing the large lake from the ocean is a dense marshland made up of dozens of streams and small ponds divided by soft mud. Several larger herbivore and carnivore assets can be found here but some smaller assets have been lost to sinking in the mud at softer points. It is not recommended that personnel step foot on land here without immediately present recovery options and a harness. All points in the marsh can be accessed by bass boat or airboat when necessary.

Stationary water within the marsh is covered with a dense film of algae and duckweed, and at times this can blend in with the same growing on the wet muddy surface of land adding to the dangerous footing. The most stable land can be found around various species of tree, grass and reed which make up the majority of the flora here.


The entire perimeter of Isla Panadera is lined with dark gray sand beaches, with a dark tan-brown dry color that changes to a dark gray shade when wet. The sand on these beaches varies in texture due to its volcanic nature but generally offers the same aesthetic as any other beach. The Personnel Resources Department will occasionally screen the designated public beach area in order to provide a softer and more pleasant surface during popular beachgoing days. Personnel are forbidden from accessing any other beach area for personal recreation for their own safety.

Off shore at various points around the island are found rock formations, some quite large and covered in foliage or tree growth. The largest gathering of rocks is at the southern peninsula where a shallow shore and sand bars are formed by the natural wave breaks. These help to protect our port however ships and boats must take a wide path around this point to avoid running aground or hitting large rocks below the water surface.

Notice: All information strictly confidential. For Official Use Only.