Herbivorous Assets

Herbivorous Assets

Herbivores dine primarily on plant vegetation and fruits.  Some of the species listed here are actually omnivores, dining occasionally on carcasses or smaller creatures they run across when in need of extra nutrients. Creatures in this class have free roam of the island and occupy the majority of the area land mass with the exception of the area within the compound fence. Ranging in size there is a great deal of variety in regards to shape, size, intelligence and lifestyle. Select a species below for more specific information:

Asset Interaction Policies

  • DO NOT attempt to hand feed or handle assets without proper protection.
  • When observing or interacting with assets, move slowly and do not provoke a reaction unless as part of an approved test.
  • All biological samples must be contained in transport cases when being moved between laboratories or paddocks.
  • All assets should remain tranquilized during transport and experimentation unless otherwise approved by your supervisor.
  • Report any abnormal behavior to the Behavioral Division and your supervisor immediately.