Species Maiasaura NursarumOriginal sample genome: m. Peeblesorum | |
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Identifier: MAIA-YY-#### |
herbivore |
Family Hadrosauridae |
Suborder Ornithopoda |
The gene sequence and first successful breeding of this species took place at Maple White Facility (Complex A - Retired) |
30′ (9m) Long, 10′ (3m) Tall |
20,000lbs |
Measured Speed: |
Terrain Preference Is Primarily |
Preference of Diet Is Grasses/Brush/Aquatic Vegetation |
With a name meaning “Caring Mother Lizard,” Maiasaura are an agressive but relatively defenseless duckbilled species of dinosaur used for a number of experiments on Isla Panadero.
In the wild, Maiasaura are the most active naturally reproducing species on the island, all members of the species currently move as one single herd. The size of the herd and the force of their headbutting attacks are the only protection they have against predators.
During the year, the herd is in constant motion, but during mating season they return to a regular nesting area and remain there until eggs are hatched and able to travel. Young Maiasaura often travel bipedal, but as they grow to adulthood they take a quadrupedal stance more often.
A heavily built species, maiasaura have slightly shorter forelegs than hind legs and a very thick tail which stays straight with the spine, pointing up at an angle when the animal is on all fours. They have a very flat bill for a mouth, but a large, thick nose.