Here you will find a list of characters that everyone should be aware of. Many of these are functional characters created by core members of the server. Clicking on a name will take you to that character’s original profile on the server.

Dragon Characters


This green Monstrous Nightmare is the founder and has been the Alpha of Dragon’s Rest for twenty years. Despite being larger than average and the most powerful dragon on the island he tries to remain humble and serve others rather than expect to be served.

Physically he is covered in scars and missing many claws and spines. Most of these are the result of battles against dragon hunters. He also has a metal plate bolted to the top of his muzzle as the result of a serious wound and has three forged prosthetic horns to replace those that have been lost.

Talon was raised as the dragon companion for a village heiress in what today is south central France before the village turned on dragons and his rider ordered him to flee for his life. He recently agreed to become the dragon of Tue Unn, former chief of the Dragon’s Rest viking village.


This young and strong willed gray monstrous nightmare is a relative newcomer to the islands. He has his own opinions regarding how the island should be managed and disagrees with Talon’s way of leading. Despite having challenged Talon for the mantle of Alpha and lost, he is allowed to remain on Dragon’s Rest despite attempting to stir up distrust in the dragons’ current leadership.


This rare large Prickleboggle serves as the island’s dragon healer. She lives in a large cavern room near the top of the mountain where she uses her purple frost breath to calm and reduce pain of the injured and directs a group of terrible terrors in the bindings and other treatments.

Queen Alsanna

Player Noi Noivern

A somewhat reclusive and untrusting purple fireworm queen who has only recently constructed a hive on the far side of the main island from the village. In exchange for permission to stay and the protection that the island offers, she has adopted the island’s population of regular orange/yellow fireworms who have come stranded from different hives over the years alongside her own purple-glowing offspring. Her extremely playful ‘children’ can be found all over the island, but especially inside the mountain where they crawl around the ceiling and walls of tunnels and provide lighting for the dragons (and occasional human) found in the passages. She will tolerate stoker class dragons but does not tolerate anyone who approaches her cave without permission…of course her children try to lure anyone new they find toward the cave anyway!


Player Sif (Zola)

A rare red skrill, Val does not trust, and does not want to interact with anyone dragon or human. She especially dislikes humans due to a somewhat secretive upbringing in slavery from which she bears many scars. Val has claimed and is permitted by the colony to keep a portion of the forest at the base of the mountain, halfway between the swamps and the village. Dragons are told not to fly over this area and stone markers have been placed by the village to warn vikings to avoid her territory as well.


Player R.L. “Ahgjan” Moss

A contrast to Val, Racer is a normal purple skrill who is quite curious and friendly which is unusual for his species. He has taken it upon himself to ‘guard’ the village by living near the mouth of the cove and watching all of the ships going in and out of the harbor. He is covered in scars, brands and tattoos from his time being used by a tribe as a weapon where he was forced to kill and destroy ships, something he regrets.

Viking Characters

Chieftess Helga Unn

Player Noi Noivern

Helga is the contrast to her brothers. She is a skilled strategist and born leader with an aggressive leadership style. She knows what needs done and how to do it and doesn’t tolerate laziness or wasted time or supplies. She has spent several years as the advisor to other chiefs throughout the tribe and can be credited with the success of those villages’ trade and quality of life. As the eldest of the siblings Helga should have been named her father’s successor for High Chief of the tribe however he passed her over for the role in favor of his eldest male heir. Their father is not happy with Tue’s decision to resign from the role of Chief of Dragon’s Rest so that he could be replaced by his more capable sister.

Former Chief Tue Unn

Player Colefrankenpuff

Tue is the son of the High Chief Unn of the Brutish Tribe who rules from the mainland city of Djull. When the High Chief arranged for an outpost to be created in order to protect the dragon colony of Dragon’s Rest, he sent his son Tue to oversee the layout and construction of the first portions of the village. Impressed with his son’s work Tue was made chief of the fledgling village. Unlike his father, Tue is more of a visionary and is more interested in helping others succeed at their own interests. He developed a close bond with Talon and found that he enjoyed spending his time among the dragon rather than running the village. Once the village had been established for a time he decided that he was not the most appropriate member of his family to lead the village and sent for his sister to replace him.


Player R.L. “Ahgjan” Moss

Petre was among the first villagers to settle on the island, and the first bread making viking to do so! He claimed a large portion of land at the highest point in the village and closest to the planned farms in order to build a large and innovative bakery. The structure is one of the larger in the village and while repairing damage from a storm in the first year, he even added a seating area for those who simply want to relax with a snack. Petre specializes in breads and snack breads made with herbs, seasonings and honey. During a short ‘civil war’ among the dragons he constructed a three level roosting structure next to his bakery where several wild dragons who prefer the company of the humans still tend to stay.

Petre is known among the dragons for having invented a bread for them that he calls “dragon loaf”, a crunchy breaded lump of dough deep fried in yak fat long enough to bake the bread but not enough to cook the butcher’s scraps and chum hidden inside. Dragons will bring him stones, branches and sometimes shed scales as trade for the treat.


Player Noi Noivern

While there are several in the village who are able healers and the dragons have a healer in their mountain, Della is the village’s healer for wild dragons. Whenever villagers rescue a dragon from hunters or find one injured, they bring it to her. She is skilled at helping injuries recover that not even the dragons’ healer can resolve including severe wing breaks, poisoning and dietary problems.


Player Shadewuff

The first blacksmith to come to the village, Sindri was on the first boat to arrive. He provided many of the early metal construction supplies as he is able to work with both iron and bronze. Sindri is also an able bladesmith however his changewing Erling is known to steal and hide new blades when he creates them. The ‘repairs’ made to Talon’s face and his new replacement horns are Sindri’s work. Sindri likes to use Erling’s acid to add interesting effects and patterns to his work.


Player Noi Noivern

Smaug is the town drunkard, although he is trying to break the habit now that he has been reunited with his dragon after many years apart. His dragon is a very old and frail Devilish Dervish named Delphine. Both Smaug and Delphine are in their 60’s which makes them stand out in a world where very few have ever been known to reach that age. Anyone who encounters this older man can expect to hear long and often seemingly exaggerated tales of his life experiences.


Player R.L. “Ahgjan” Moss

Fargus is the town butcher and is often seen with a leather butcher’s apron customized with pockets for several of his knives, ready to work at a moment’s notice. He purchases animals from the farms as well as hunting on his own across the island from time to time. Despite (or perhaps because of) the messy and sometimes smelly nature of his business he enjoys keeping flowers around his property, especially heather bushes and is a skilled gardener as well as exceptional butcher.