As you explore the world of the Brutish tribe, you will find a wide array of dragon species! This guide will help you to identify some of these species. If you are a dragon, the below information will help you to determine what species you are allowed to be based on your tier!
You are viewing sorted by CLASS. Click here to view by TIER.
Click on a dragon’s image to see it a little larger.
Boulder Class
These dragons are the heart and soul of mountain maintenance and are helpful around the village. They help to dig and maintain tunnels and pits and keep the tunnels inside of the mountain free of rock debris and damaging cracks. Most are also very affectionate and eager to help out with heavy lifting…when they aren’t napping. They are helpful to blacksmithing and mining tasks for the vikings as well.
Catastrophic Quaken
| Boulder ClassTier 3
Body 45 feet long, 63 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2500 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Rocks, Fish, Game |
A rather large dragon, these large spiny dragons are rather reclusive but quite powerful, able to break apart event he hardest rocks by rolling themselves into a ball and colliding with the rocky surface. To allow them to collect more rocks for the hunger that comes with such a large body these dragons also have dual bottom jaws.
Crimson Goregutter
| Boulder ClassTier 4
Body 65 feet long, 91 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 17,700 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), mutton, large game |
This lava spewing boulder class behemoth may look terrifying with its massive size, huge antlers, axe-tipped tail and intimidating glare…but these are some of the most protective gentle giants in the world…when you are on their good side. While preferring a solitary quiet life, even adult Goregutters are known to act like hatchlings around those who they are protective of…unfortunately any game in a small area can mean catastrophe.
This dragon is available to tier 4 due to its popularity however it will be among the most challenging of dragons to earn.
| Boulder ClassTier 4
Body 44 feet long, 125 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 3500 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Lava |
A massive lava-eating dragon, eruptodon are known to keep active volcanoes from erupting simply by eating the lava before it builds up pressure!
Grapple Grounder
| Boulder ClassTier 1
Body 62 feet long, 46 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Pork, Mutton |
With their long, massive bodies but slow movements, these dragons sneak up on their prey and coil around it like a snake…and when they do there is no removing them. Lacking speed however makes them very susceptible to attack and capture and there aren’t too many left around.
| Boulder ClassTier 2
Body 18 feet long, 10 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1900 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Snow, Fish, Poppy, Pumpkins, Algae |
The coldest of the Boulder Class dragons, these dragons prefer cold weather and frozen food. If any come to Dragon’s Rest they would likely spend most of their time in the frozen food stores of the mountain along with the snow wraith, awaiting wintertime when they can spread their wings.
| Boulder ClassTier 1
Body 14 feet long, 18 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 5300 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Rocks, Fire Weed, Fish, Mutton |
Compact strength. Gronckles are physically dense and able to lift objects much larger than themselves…but small wings make them slow compared to most other species. While a few other species have the ability to create lava like materials, gronkles are able to mix and separate rocks as they eat and create different times of conglomerates or even raw metals depending on their needs.
| Boulder ClassTier 1
Body 23 feet long, 31 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 5725 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Rocks, Ore, Flowers, Fish |
Lazy…yet extremely strong. These dragons make fine companions if you don’t mind having a sleeping mountain in your midst most of the time. Despite this they are extremely loyal to those they know and can be quite the impressive fighter when they need to be.
| Boulder ClassTier 1
Body 30 feet long, 48 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2500 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Rocks, Fish |
With small forelegs and a dense tail, these dragons are often found standing on two legs. While they may not look it at first impression, these are extremely smart dragons who will rarely act before assessing the situation and love to find ways to solve complicated problems. Their bony nose makes for a great sledgehammer and their protruding chin also makes a functional shovel for digging in even the rockiest soils providing them with their name.
| Boulder ClassTier 1
Body 30 feet long, 50 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2815 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Geodes, Fish (any) |
This average sized dragon tends to be a bit of a loner, but can be a very loyal friend. The most unique trait of a snafflefang is their teeth, stronger than any other dragon’s and sharper than any blade, they can slice through rocks with ease and are known to casually gnaw at boulders seeking their favorite snack: Geodes.
Whispering Death
| Boulder ClassTier 3
Body 95 feet long, 26.5 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2000 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Rock, Fire Weed, Fish (any), Mutton, Flowers, Large Game |
Perhaps one of the most imposing dragon species, Whispering Deaths seem to simply make rock vanish before them. With their large mouths and multiple rotating jaws they are also one of the most unique physiologies of any species in the world. Whispering Deaths are responsible for most of the tunnels and caves on Dragon’s Rest. They are quick to anger but once you have earned their respect it is difficult to lose. Their long bodies despite seeming spiky and fearsome are often draped into a coil when resting and when draped across friendly dragons are virtually harmless.
Sharp Class Dragons
If you like a pointy dragon, look no further than these dragons. Whether it is the sharpest claws or horns of any dragon, spines that can be shot like projectiles or a body that can slice clean through trees and rocks these dragons make the cut.
Devilish Dervish
| Sharp ClassTier 1
Body 55 feet long, 63 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1450 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Game |
A rather reckless and uncontrollable species of dragon, the Devilish Dervish gets its name from the scythe like tail blade and its personality. When unhappy they are known to go on rampages and use their tail to slice at anything in their path.
Egg Biter
| Sharp ClassTier 2
Body 51 feet long, 62 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2000 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Poultry (any) |
A large and strong dragon, Egg Biters get their name from their habit of biting the first thing they see as soon as they hatch. Their jaw strength grows stronger the more they mature and adults are able to cleanly cut through metal with ease even without sharp teeth.
Grim Gnasher
| Sharp ClassTier 2
Body 10 feet long, 18 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 500 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Dying/Dead Large Game (including dragons sometimes) |
A rather small species of dragon, Gnashers are often seen as the vultures of the dragon world preferring to prey on weak meals or pick at the leftovers from another dragon’s hunt. They are a little too small for most vikings to ride however their small size makes them ideal for errands and they love to hang around friendly villages since vikings don’t always pick all of the meat or marrow from their meals before discarding the bones.
| Sharp ClassTier 1
Body 64 feet long, 34 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 790 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Ducks, Game, Fish (any), Bark |
While Timberjacks may be the fastest dragon to clear a forest, the Hackatoo is the best dragon to give the job to when you want to keep some trees and only collect the perfect wood for the job. This six-legged dragon isn’t the best at flying but has an axe-shaped snout and jaw that is kept as sharp as it looks by being rubbed against rocks when resting. A thick skull combined with this feature allows them to put great force into hacking at trees and even large hardwood is little challenge for these dragons. They are also able to quickly shave limbs from trees with their blade or by biting with sharp beak like jaws.
| Sharp ClassTier 1
Body 82 feet long, 75.5 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Grubs, Worms |
A playful and overly-trusting species, raincutters prefer dark wet places and rainy weather. While they can live on other meals their preferred food is wiggly and slimy, such as worms and grubs…another reason for their love of rain. Despite their fins and love of water they are considered a sharp class rather than a tidal class dragon and while they can live in pools and lakes, cannot stay underwater for extended periods of time.
| Sharp ClassTier 2
Body 60 feet long, 50 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1000 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Sea Slugs, Fish (any), Small Game |
One of the deadliest of dragons, there is almost nothing about this metallic dragon that can’t be used to kill. They possess strong jaws, poisonous tears, a long thin tail that can grab and throw an object as easily as it can slice a boulder in half. Jagged scales all over their bodies are sharp, and like a Nadder the barbs lining their tail can be ejected with such precision that a practiced razorwhip can create a clean, straight line through a wooden deck with one volley. The reflective scales provide a level of camouflage in the right conditions while at the same time being able to blind opponents by reflecting the sun. Razorwhips find trust difficult but are highly intelligent and often figure out what humans are saying to them without any outside help. If you can earn one’s trust, they are very loyal.
| Sharp ClassTier 1
Body 18 feet long, 20 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 600 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any) |
Smaller than most dragons, and resembling young Deadly Nadders, these dragons are quite rambunctious even as adults. They are very fast and have surprisingly strong jaw strength.
| Sharp ClassTier 4
Body 73 feet long, 41 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1650 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Vegetation, Sea Slugs |
An ice-breathing dragon, the shivertooth actually gets its fame from heir claws are claimed to be sharper than even a razorwhip’s. At times claimed to be the sharpest claws of any dragon. They are very intelligent and can make quick decisions to outsmart opponents. NEVER teach this dragon how to play Maces and Talons because you will never win against them. If allied with one of these dragons, when it insists on an action you are smart to trust it.
Speed Stinger
| Sharp ClassTier 2
Body 12 feet long, 0 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 300 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Small Game |
A small but extremely fast species of dragon, these small bipeds often travel in packs and have a venomous barb on their tail that can cause muscles in its prey to seize for as much as six hours. While their venom does not seem to harm any vital organs it prevents movement and causes numbness in limbs of all but the largest dragons and two stings are all that they need to completely paralyze a human. When they learn to trust someone they are very freindly and defensive of their ‘new pack mate.’ While unable to fly, speedstingers are able to run across the surface of the water due to webbing between their toes.
| Sharp ClassTier 2
Body 29 feet long, 18 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1300 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Game |
While somewhat similar to a Speed Stinger, these dragons are much larger and have small wings as opposed to forearms. They also have two barbs on their tail rather then one, and a venom which simply causes paralysis and can be fatal to humans with repeated doses. The venom can be used for various antivenom and medicinal uses if refined. Full grown adults are able to fly, but not fast and not for very long distances. They also aren’t extremely bright or trustworthy but enjoy playing games and trust those who play with them.
| Sharp ClassTier 2
Body 31.5 feet long, 48 (diagonal) foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2500 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Vegetation |
A four-winged dragon, stormcutters could also be placed in the Tracker class with their keep senses of perception and smell. They are kind and curious but can be vicious when needed. The extra set of wings allow for spectacular control and stability when flying and despite their size they can outmaneuver almost any other dragon.
| Sharp ClassTier 1
Body 68 feet long, 75 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 850 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (Any) |
Initially very shy dragons they will open up to new friends easily and when enough familiar dragons or vikings are around will open up and become quite outgoing. While their fire isn’t anything too unique they can sustain it for a continuous stream rather than shots and are strong enough to lift ships out of the water and carry them in flight for a distance.
| Sharp ClassTier 2
Body 80 feet long, 108 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 900 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Birds |
Despite their large size when flying, timberjack take up very little space when sleeping on the ground. Their massive wings can fold against their bodies and the can coil like snakes. They however rarely come to land and are able to sleep in midair. These dragons have no limbs aside from their wings and tail. The edges of their wings however are as sharp as a razorwhip’s tail and they can level an entire forest simply by diving toward and flying among the trees, slicing though the trunks as they pass.
| Sharp ClassTier 1
Body 60 feet long, 62 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1900 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any) |
Rather calm and peaceful dragons, windstrikers prefer to attack with blasts of hot air despite having fire. They are great at heavy lifting and can handle precise air maneuvers that not every dragon is able to pull off.
Stoker Class Dragons
These dragons are hot! Sometimes too hot to handle for some vikings. While many dragons have fire, Stoker Class dragons make fire an art form and can really heat up a battle. Just be careful – some have a very short fuse.
Fireworm (Queen/Princess)
| Stoker ClassTier 4
Body 57 feet long, 41 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 6100 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Honeycomb, Flowers |
This extremely large dragon is the queen of her hive, producing thousands of regular fireworm offspring in her lifetime. Her nest looks like a giant beehive honeycomb with stacked eggs along and between walls which she keeps warm with her body heat. While not keen on caring for other dragons’ eggs, a fireworm queen is protective of other stoker class dragons and has a venom which can invigorate, restore weak flame and heal others in the class. The venom is harmful to other dragons and vikings.
Flame Whipper
| Stoker ClassTier 2
Body 21 feet long, 28 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 580 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Vegetation |
Appearing like an oversized and winged crested gecko, this dragon likes to hang on walls even while sleeping, and has a tail that contains a temporarily paralyzing poison and can be detached when threatened. They have a long tongue that they use to guide their flame to be more accurate.
| Stoker ClassTier 1
Body 55 feet long, 63 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 4200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Vegetation |
Sometimes considered a lucky species, the hobblegrunt is an empathic and highly aware dragon who literally wear their emotions. While they all have unique patterns, they change between being primarily green/yellow, purple or red depending on their mood. They are also able to use their color changing ability to affect the moods of those around them. Their frills are sensitive and complex systems allowing them to measure differences in temperature, pressure and even moods of others. As a stoker class dragon they are able to sustain strong flames.
| Stoker ClassTier 3
Body 3 feet long, 5 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 55 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Anything in its path |
A rather strange little firebreather, the hobgobbler always seem to multiply when one shows up, as others of their kind are attracted to areas that one find interesting. They are friendly but mischievous and as a group can prove to be quite destructive. This has lead vikings to believe they are bad luck.
| Stoker ClassTier 1
Body 28.5 feet long, 61.5 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Algae, Vegetation, Fish (any) |
Similar in appearance to the Common Rockstomper, this dragon bears the ability to light the edges of its wings and tail on fire.
Monstrous Nightmare
| Stoker ClassTier 1
Body 61 feet long, 68 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 5040 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Crustaceans, Mutton, Game, Fruits, Vegetables |
A species that can live up to its name, the Monstrous Nightmare is a large, strong dragon with an intense flame and the ability to light itself on fire. Pores in the dragon’s scales emit a gel like substance which can be ignited and doused at will, and is sometimes collected by vikings to use as a firestarter.
Night Terror
| Stoker ClassTier 1
Body 3 feet long, 5 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 14 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Bread, Birds,Small Game, Your Dinner |
Living together in a pack, Night Terrors come out (as their name implies) at night. Similar in size to a Terrible Terror these dark colored, fun loving dragons have the ability to learn a dragon’s shape and if enough of their kind is present create the illusion of any other species’ silhouette against the moon lit sky. They are fairly good at tracking and are quite friendly. In a safe environment like Dragon’s Rest they are able to live without a pack and often can be found around the village begging for food…even when they aren’t hungry.
Silver Phantom
| Stoker ClassTier 4
Body 80 feet long, 108 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 900 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Birds |
These dragons are hardly ever seen, and have only been encountered by the island dragons in passing. The purple-silver scaled dragons are related closely to the Timberjack and similar to that species rarely come to the ground. They are rather wise and peaceful but also very enigmatic due to their desire to distance themselves from surface dwellers and their problems.
| Stoker ClassTier 3
Body 55 feet long, 61 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Ice Tail Pike |
A rather unique firebreather, Singetails are able to shoot fire from their mouths, belly and the tip of their tail. They are a large, flat species with a lot of strength. In addition to their extra flight abilities they have a very minimal blind spot due to articulated eyes similar to a chameleons which allow them to see in front of and behind themselves at the same time if the wish.
Small Shadow Wing
| Stoker ClassTier 2
Body 8 feet long, 11 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 150 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Game |
A rather small species, Shadow Wings make up for it with their speed, stealth, claws and unique fire. Their claws allow them to climb any surface, and instead of breathing fire they shoot balls of lava into the air to come down on their opponent before exploding. They are intelligent pack hunters and use deception to lure prey. Elsewhere a larger, possibly titan wing of their kind protects a flock however on Dragon’s Rest they do not have a larger cousin present.
Terrible Terror
| Stoker ClassTier 1
Body 6 feet long, 6 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 20 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Bread, Birds,Small Game, Your Picnic |
Terrors are everywhere. These common little dragons pack a hot flame for such a little body but usually just want to steal your food and find something to gnaw on.
| Stoker ClassTier 1
Body 82 feet long, 76.5 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1900 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any) |
A poisonous dragon, Threadtails are brightly colored as a warning to would-be threats. In a similar fashion to how Monstrous Nightmares produce flammable gel through their scales, threadtails secrete a toxin that causes painful convulsions but is not fatal when they are startled or sense a threat. Unfortunately they are actually allergic to their own poison and will seek out bushes, sand, cold water or windy locations to ease their itching.
| Stoker ClassTier 3
Body 62 feet long, 87 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 4800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Eel, Fish (any), Honeycomb |
A massively winged dragon, Typhoomerangs have a spiralling vortex of flame which grows wider but remains strong for a fair range. They also leave a signature burn pattern whenever they take off and the ash from their flame increases the growth of plants wherever they scorch the ground.
Tracker Class
Need to find something…or someone? Need a hunting pal? Tracker class dragons have extra keen senses and can follow just about any trail.
Common Rockstomper
| Tracker ClassTier 1
Body 28.5 feet long, 61.5 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Algae, Vegetation, Fish (any) |
Nearly identical to the Moldruffle, these dragons have less powerful flame and a slightly better sense of smell compared to their stoker class twins.
Deadly Nadder
| Tracker ClassTier 2
Body 30 feet long, 42 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2628 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Chicken, FIsh (any), Plants, Mutton, Game |
Very colorful and energetic dragons, the Deadly Nadder is a popular dragon for vikings to train. They can be fast fliers, are extremely loyal, excellent trackers even from the air. Just be careful of the nadder’s poisonous spines which can be shot as projectiles with great precision. The poison may not actually be deadly but a flying spine can be! Their magnesium flame is also among the hottest types of flame produced by a dragon.
| Tracker ClassTier 1
Body 30 feet long, 42 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1900 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Poultry (any), Worms |
Most often found around swamps this dragon has a keen sense of smell and the ability to use echolocation.
| Tracker ClassTier 1
Body 53 feet long, 81 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 5400 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Chicken, Vegetation |
A massive and heavily armored species of dragon, the rumblehorn may not be the fastest dragon but they are extremely strong and their sense of smell is among the best. Despite a fearsome appearance these are also very protective dragons and are known to go out of their way even to rescue strangers from harm. Many rumblehorns volunteer to the dragon colony’s lookout patrol over the ocean around Dragon’s Rest.
| Tracker ClassTier 1
Body 26 feet long, 60 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Insects |
Another colorful tracker class, these extremely (almost too) friendly dragons are full of energy and strength. They are able to tell if someone is friend or foe and if a dragon is wild or trained just by scent…as well as smelling approaching weather patterns. If you need something heavy lifted and carried they are ideal for that task as well and rarely tire out.
| Tracker ClassTier 1
Body 30.5 feet long, 61 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Sagefruit, Pie, Anything that smells good. |
Very similar in appearance to the Mudraker, Thunderclaw are often found in a group and on the mainland have been known to gather like herds. Their horn glows hot when breathing fire and unlike other dragons they are able to smell by ‘tasting’ the air with a flick (or loll) of their tongue as a snake would.
| Tracker ClassTier 1
Body 25 feet long, 59 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2500 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Vegetation |
A friendly species, Windgnashers prefer colder environments and in wintery conditions are able to use the weather to their advantace with ice type attacks in place of their normal fire. They are intelligent and precise and excellent at ranged attacking without needing to risk going too close to their foe.
Mystery Class
What do you call a dragon who boggles the mind? A mystery! Whether it is their unique methods of protecting themselves, unusual abilities or bodies, or just how hard they are to study these dragons aren’t often understood by humans.
| Mystery ClassTier 2
Body 70 feet long, 75 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2500 (before armor) lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Game |
This dragon wears armor in the wild, unlike most other dragons. Lacking scales but posessing a biomagnetic field, armorwings place hoarded metal pieces against themselves to weld together into armor plating. Their hot flame causes temporary blindness to anyone who looks directly at it. These dragons are normally loners and rarely interact with others.
| Mystery ClassTier 4
Body 59 feet long, 65 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 3200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish |
Similar to the Armorwing, the Boneknapper lacks scales and seeks alternative protection. Lacking their cousins’ magnetic field the boneknappers pick through dragon bones to piece together an armor which is able to cling to their skin. They are often fitting the right pieces to complete their suit. Despite their intimidating look and often gruff demeanor they can be friendly when they open up to someone.
| Mystery ClassTier 1
Body 38 feet long, 74 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2000 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Grassy Herbs, Moss, Flowers, Fish |
Perhaps one of the most relaxed and indifferent species of dragon in the world, the Buffalord spend most of their lives lazily grazing on grass in a group. When threatened they can inflate their body to twice its normal size with enough force to burst through a ship or send boulders flying. While they do have fire they have a hard time controlling it. Their back is covered with spines that can be launched as projectiles, and their saliva can be used in medicines.
Cavern Crasher
| Mystery ClassTier 3
Body 39 feet long, 0 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1000 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Dragon Eggs, Dragon Hatchlings |
This dragon lives to eat, and spends its time fighting dragon parents for their offspring. They can collapse their skeleton to fit through cracks, dig through solid stone and emit a flammable slime from their bodies that help them to slip easier through those small spaces.
They are not allowed on the main islands of Dragon’s Rest due to their cannabalistic nature, see Locations to learn where these dragons live.
| Mystery ClassTier 1
Body 52.5 feet long, 30 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1300 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fire Weed, Medium Game, Fish (any), Smaller Dragons (If Desperate) |
If you think this dragon is difficult to see, it is probably because of its ability to not just blend in with its surroundings but rather turn completely invisible. Instead of fire these dragons spit a glowing, hot green acid which can melt almost anything given enough time.
| Mystery ClassTier 3
Body 28 feet long, 32 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2000 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Dragons, Fish |
Extremely dangerous dragons, these have long protruding lower tusks which can pierce and pin prey, insect like forelegs which can grab and hold large or small prey while feeding, a boiling acid saliva and a scorpion like tail which injects a strong sedative which can knock out a dragon and with enough of a dose can kill a human.
They are not allowed on the main islands of Dragon’s Rest due to their cannabalistic nature, see Locations to learn where these dragons live.
| Mystery ClassTier 3
Body 75 feet long, 67.5 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Dragons, Humans, Fruit, Fish, Eels, Large Game |
The siren of the Dragon species, this beautiful and colorful dragon has a voice like an angel, mesmerizing dragons to approach and become their prey.
Like spiders with their webs, Deathsongs catch and store their prey in amber like cocoons until they are ready to eat. Only Monstrous Nightmare gel and Deathsong breath can melt the amber.
They are not allowed on the main islands of Dragon’s Rest due to their cannabalistic nature, see Locations to learn where these dragons live.
| Mystery ClassTier 2
Body 20 feet long, 22 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 750 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Berries, Vegetation |
Considered to be one of the oldest species of dragons, dramillions have the ability to use nearly any fire type known among all dragons. They are highly intelligent pack hunters and trackers.
| Mystery ClassTier 4
Body 30 feet long, 42 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 600 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Algae, Fish (any) |
Glowing brighter than the moon, flightmares live off of algae and prefer a particular strain which causes their perpetual glow. They will fight to protect a good food source. These dragons may look pretty but are quite vicious and exhale a spray that causes muscle rigidity similar to the sting of a speed stinger.
Hideous Zippleback
| Mystery ClassTier 1
Body 66 feet long, 38 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 6000 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Pork, Honeycomb |
A dragon of two minds, the two-headed, two-tailed Zippleback is a unique creature. Independently thinking and each with a unique personality, the heads are able to share information with one another instantly. One head exhales a flammable gas while the other head can cause a spark in their mouth to ignite it allowing for massive fireballs and explosions to be created in one attack.
Large Prickleboggle
| Mystery ClassTier 2
Body 28 feet long, 40 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1600 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Herbs, Fish |
The only thing dangerous about this dragon is its intimidating appearance and maybe its claws. Prickleboggles have an icy breath that, rather than causing harm, can heal wounds and sooth pain and panic alike. These dragons are natural healers and being rather weak and harmless themselves form a symbiotic relationship with other dragons in battle, earning protection in exchange for healing and calming their protectors.
| Mystery ClassTier 3
Body 80 feet long, 50 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Game |
A natural hoarder, sandbusters dig lairs deep into sandy ground to protect themselves from sunlight which causes instant sunburn on their scales. They have the ability to ‘swim’ through soft materials such as sand and mud. Often compared to pirates they will snatch anything they can from the surface and drag it down to their hoard where it is nearly impossible to retrieve. Rather than fire, they spit superheated sand that splatters against a surface and solidifies into opaque glass when cooled.
| Mystery ClassTier 3
Body 32 feet long, 0 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Dragonvine, Insects |
A six-legged dragon which seems to think it is a spider, silkspanners are able to produce web silk that is strong enough to stop a falling dragon. They can form thick webs between their legs to use for gliding and floating on top of water. They also are capable of removing poisons and venom from fresh wounds of other dragons.
| Mystery ClassTier 3
Body 60 feet long, 42 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 950 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Dragons, Humans, Fruit, Fish, Eels, Large Game |
A smaller cousin of the Deathsong, this dragon is faster and more agile in flight but finds flying more tiring with its proportionately smaller wings.
They live and act much like the deathsong, luring prey with their ‘singing’ and then cocooning them in amber like material.
They are not allowed on the main islands of Dragon’s Rest due to their cannabalistic nature, see Locations to learn where these dragons live.
| Mystery ClassTier 4
Body 40 feet long, 60 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1000 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Deathsongs, Slithersongs, Humans, Dragons, Large Game |
At first appearing to be giant vipers, these dragons are extremely dangerous. They are deaf to sound only hearing in vibration which makes them immune to deathsong calls and other audible defenses.
They have a venomous bite as well as a coating on their skin which is deadly when absorbed through skin or scale. This coating also makes them immune to deathsong amber and helps them to slip out of traps. Like a snake they can collapse their skeleton to squeeze through tight spaces.
They are not allowed on the main islands of Dragon’s Rest due to their cannabalistic nature, see Locations to learn where these dragons live.
Smothering Smokebreath
| Mystery ClassTier 1
Body 10 feet long, 9 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 150 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Crustaceans, Fish (any), Small Game |
Pack fliers, these smallish dragons hoard metal of any kind, using it to create a hive like nest for their pack to live in. They get their name from the ability to emit a thick smoke cloud around themselves which remains for some time even in flight. A pack of smokebreaths often is never seen as more than a quick moving cloud of smoke which takes any metal it passes over. They have a flame that can quickly melt metal for forming the nest.
| Mystery ClassTier 2
Body 68 feet long, 52 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 5800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Spiders, Insects, Small Game |
Posessing the most heads – and thus most personalities – of any dragon, the snaptrapper looks far more intimidating than it actually is. These dragons spend days at a time hiding patiently among vegetation with mouths open waiting for small animals or large insects to mistake their flower like, three-jawed mouths as flowers and come to investigate the pleasant scent they emit as a lure. They are fierce but can come to trust anyone as long as they don’t feel the other heads are getting more attention…and especially if you join them in the mud during a rainstorm.
Sword Stealer
| Mystery ClassTier 2
Body 60 feet long, 65 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 3400 (before armor) lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any) |
Similar to the Armorwing, the Sword Stealer is a magnetic dragon who melts metal into armor for its own protection. Unlike that other species however they hatch with metallic-yellow scales instead of bare skin and melt the metal down smooth to match their existing scale pattern. These dragons are able to sense metal, even deep underground.
Tidal Class
The underwater world has its own selection of dragon species. Many of these species can’t survive for very long out of water, although they can fly for a time giving them an advantage above and below the water. Be wary of rainstorms around the sea if you fear some of these powerful creatures.
Sand Wraith
| Tidal ClassTier 2
Body 24 feet long, 38 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1700 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Crustaceans |
Resembling a Night Fury in body shape, Sand Wraiths are believed to be more closely related to Snow Wraiths. They are wary of others and often bury themselves in sandy areas before adjusting their scales to match the sand around them similar to a chameleon. Often with a lot of time to themselves many are quite the intellectual compared to other dragons. These dragons are able to stay underwater for as much as half an hour before needing to breathe, and sometimes bury themselves in the sandy sea floor to wait for food to swim past. Their body structure being similar to a night fury also allows them to be a fast flier, although with less control due to the presence of a small triangular tail fin and spikes rather than the large tail fin of a fury.
| Tidal ClassTier 2
Body 80 feet long, 78 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 3800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Vegetation, Crustaceans, Fish, Seashocker & Sliquifiers |
Often found in the waters around the islands or resting within the cove or basin, these dragons are large and powerful. Most notable they are able to boil water in their large mouths and spray it as a strong jet. It is said that the hot spray can scald the skin right off of a viking…but that could just be a rumor.
Sea Shocker
| Tidal ClassTier 2
Body 52 feet long, 50 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Humans, Deep Sea Fish, Dragon Eggs (if they fall in the water) |
Spending all their lives underwater, seashockers are quite electrifying and yet rather friendly. From a distance they appear to be giant manta rays but in reality are a two headed legless dragon. Although they can’t fly, they can swim fast enough to go airborne for several seconds at a time and reach heights enough to pass over the deck of a ship. They are able to emit electrical shocks to stun prey or enemies. Often preyed on by scauldrons they tend to live in pods for safety in numbers.
| Tidal ClassTier 1
Body 28 feet long, 44 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1900 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Sea Slugs, Seaweed |
Often keeping to themselves, Shockjaw are another tidal class dragon capable of emitting electricity. They can control the power from a small shock to a lethal bolt emitted from the protrusions from their jaw. They are very skilled swimmers and fliers, among the fastest tidal class dragons underwater and rivalling the sand wraith for fastest in the air. They sometimes release their electricity by accident.
| Tidal ClassTier 1
Body 33 feet long, 48 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1250 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Small Fish, Seaweed |
While smaller than other dragons this species of aquatic dragon is worth fearing. An acid spitter like the changewing, Sliquifier are able to increase the strength of their acid by swimming or flying fast just before releasing their attack. They are shy but loyal and often protective, and regularly patrol the seas seeking out threats.
| Tidal ClassTier 1
Body 68 feet long, 53 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1100 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Crustaceans |
It is said that if a viking stood in front of one of these dragons when they roared, the viking would lose their head. The concussive force of a Thunderdrum roar is strong enough to crack boulders and force other dragons out of the sky…and deafen anything unfortunate to be nearby. For the most part friendly and loyal and while they are able flyers, these dragons often spend most of their time underwater and use their large mouths to collect fish. On Dragon’s Rest they sometimes help to collect the fish that are then bred inside the mountain ponds for safe fishing by the weak and injured.
Tide Glider
| Tidal ClassTier 1
Body 58 feet long, 58 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Crustaceans, Seaweed |
Perhaps the rarest of the tidal class dragons to find, Tide Gliders are also the most elegant looking. They are easily scared and zip away quickly into deeper waters. Vikings and some dragons believe that their saliva can heal sicknesses, burns and help to heal wounds but no one has ever been able to confirm that.
| Tidal Class
Body 50 feet long, 64 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2200 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any) |
A rather crocodilian looking species of dragons, windwalkers are extremely social but dislike spending too long on the ground, preferring to stay airborne for most of the day. They are able to either produce or store water to spray in heavy blasts as an attack and like the Skrill can absorb electrical energy from lightning to use as a protective shield.
Strike Class
A combination of speed and incredible firepower make Strike Class dragons a force to be reckoned with. Many of these dragons were once part of the Mystery Class just because they were hard to track down and study.
A Note on Fury Species
There are many varieties of Furies in the world. Dragon’s Rest welcomes all fury varieties. Unlike most dragon species who all live together on the main island, Furies are welcome to live on the main island or the slightly smaller Isle of Night on which other dragon species are not allowed in respect for the legendary dragons desire for quiet and privacy. All fury species are 25 to 30 feet long with a 40 to 45 foot wingspan. Fury Species are allowed to Tier 2 Members.
Eastern Fury
| Strike ClassTier 3 (This is a custom species)
Body 33 feet long, 44 foot wingspan. |
Weight: ?? lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Chicken |
Created By ThunderClawShocktrix
This species of fury bears some resemblance to the Night Fury but is longer, thinner and more brightly colored. Instead of the Fury frills they have antler-like horns and whiskers like an oriental dragon, and an electrical attack rather than plasma blast. They originate from the far east and are very rare around the viking world.
Light Fury
| Strike ClassTier 2
Body 33 feet long, 43 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1600 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Game, Mutton, Crustaceans, Honeycomb |
More docile and smooth in appearance compared to other furies, these dragons are also longer than night furies. Contrary to popular belief, there ARE male light furies.
Night Fury
| Strike ClassTier 2
Body 26 feet long, 45 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1776 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Game, Mutton, Crustaceans, Honeycomb |
Perhaps the fastest and most powerful dragon species, at least for their size, the night fury are a rather secretive species and often live a nocturnal life where their dark scales make them nearly invisible. Proportionately large wings offer the ability to reach speeds of 60mph just with flapping and dives of over 120mph.
Night Light
| Strike ClassTier 2
Body 30 feet long, 44 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Game, Mutton, Crustaceans, Honeycomb |
A hybrid resulting from the breeding of a night fury and light fury, these dragons share traits of both and often in interesting patterns and combinations. Mated Night Light pairs usually result in Night Light offspring, however on rare occasion they can hatch a night fury or a light fury. Night Lights are not as common as other furies, but they do exist.
| Strike ClassTier 3
Body 22 feet long, 31 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1800 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Electric Eel, Singetail, Mutton, Game |
If Thor were a dragon, he would be a Skrill. These dragons are able to store, amplify, direct and fly along lightning without harm…as long as they aren’t standing in water. It can be difficult to earn a skrill’s trust, but once you do they will risk their life to protect you. They are not known for patience and enjoy a good fight. If cornered by one, they are easily distracted by daggers and it is not uncommon for wild skrill to hoard various sizes of viking blade.
Snow Wraith
| Strike ClassTier 3
Body 30 feet long, 48 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1300 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Snow, Lost explorers and animals |
All white in color except for its blue eyes, these dragons are nearly as fast as a Night Fury and are able to fly in intense blizzards. They rely on thermal vision rather than normal vision and combined with their ability to breathe frost that makes them ideal for maintaining the frozen conditions of the food storage cavern within the mountain.
| Strike ClassTier 4
Body 90 feet long, 65 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1300 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Dragons, Humans, Large Animal, Sea Mammals |
Like a Deathsong, these dragons have a mesmerizing song which lures humans and dragons alike. Instead of an amber to keep their prey alive, these dragons have a super concentrated jet of flame which can quickly cook prey to a charred finish making them far more dangerous.
They are not allowed on the main islands of Dragon’s Rest due to their cannabalistic nature, see Locations to learn where these dragons live.
| Strike ClassTier 3 (This is a custom species)
Body 25 feet long, 42 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 2400 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish, Electric Eel, Singetail, Mutton, Game |
If Thor were a dragon, he would be a Skrill. What is more…he would want to wear flashy armor and that is where this subspecies comes into play. Not only do these dragons bear the physical appearance and abilities of a Skrill but they also have a magnetic body and use their lightning charges to weld metal together across their body
Triple Stryke
| Strike ClassTier 2
Body 26 feet long, 45 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1050 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Fish (any), Poultry (any), Vegetation, Berries |
Resembling a scorpion, the triple stryke is a highly coordinated dragon. Three independently mobile tails end in poison barbs which each contain a venom that will make a viking or dragon very ill for some time, and when braided together the three barbs together can sometimes prove a fatal sting. Pincer type claws on their hind legs allow for fast running and grip while larger pincer foreclaws resembling a lobster’s are able to snap rope, chain and small trees with ease…or carry a delicate heirloom without damaging it. These dragons tend to be territorial and posessive but are rather easy to befriend once they learn that you aren’t an enemy.
Wooly Howl
| Strike ClassTier 2
Body 26 feet long, 45 foot wingspan. |
Weight: 1900 lbs. |
Preferred foods: Small Game, Fish (any) |
Another fast dragon in the Strike class, Wooly Howl at a distance appear to be furry Night Fury varieties. In reality they are not furry and are distant cousins of the Fury species. They have fine, jagged scales that gather together in a fur like pattern but serve as strong armor. They also do not have fire or electrical abilities as a Fury does, instead being able to create and project a strong vortex of hail with pinpoint accuracy. If a Wooly Howl attacks your ship expect to lose your sails quickly!
Forbidden Dragons
The following dragons may NOT be used right now for any reason, character OR NPC no matter what your tier level is. If they are referenced in a story, it must only be spoken of as myth, legend, or a sailor’s tall tale.
All Titan Wings – These are too large and agressive for inclusion at this time. A standard size or slightly oversized non-titan dragon should be sufficient for any characters.
Fireworm (Small) – These are too small for characters however they are referenced all over the caves of Dragon’s Rest as a source of light.
Prickleboggle (Small) – Also too small.
Screaming Death – This is considered a Titan Wing.
Large Shadow Wing – This is considered a Titan Wing.
Chimeragon – Not considered canon here due to certain abilities.
Gobsucker – Not considered canon here due to certain abilities.
Species from Rescue Riders – These do not fit species patterns with the rest of the franchise.
Green, Purple or Red Death – Far too large
Fathomfin – Far too large
Bewilderbeast – Far too large
Foreverwing – Far too large
Luminous Krayfin – Far too large
Sentinel – Far too large
Shellfire – Far too large
Submaripper – Far too large
Any other species not listed on this page